Esperanto Language Stack Exchange is for linguists, etymologists, and Esperanto language enthusiasts, as well as for people who are learning or teaching Esperanto.
The best questions are those that have specific answers; like the other Stack Exchange sites, Esperanto Language Stack Exchange is not a general discussion forum. Questions on the following topics are welcome:
- Word choice and usage
- Grammar
- Etymology (history of words' development)
- Pronunciation (phonetics and phonology)
- Spelling and punctuation
- Learning advises
- Translations (as long as they are not requests to translate full paragraphs, sections, or chapters)
- Tools (for example, questions about automatic spell checker, or how to enter characters with the diacritics used in Esperanto)
Some questions are still off-topic, even if they could fit into one of the categories previously listed. Please don't ask any question about the following topics.
- Proofreading (Are there any mistakes?), unless the source of concern is clearly specified
- Writing advice or critique requests
- Languages other than Esperanto
In general, a question that is asking for a list is off topic for us, even if the topic is acceptable for Esperanto Language Stack Exchange.
Please make an effort to research your question before posting it and be sure to add as much details as you can when explaining your problem. The more you can tell us, the better answers you will receive!
It is also OK to ask and answer your own question, as long as the question is on topic for Esperanto Language Stack Exchange.
If your question is not specifically on topic for Esperanto Language Stack Exchange, it may be on topic for another Stack Exchange site, for example Constructed Languages.
Before asking a question on other sites, check their Help Center to see which questions are acceptable on those sites.
If no site currently exists that will accept your question, you may commit to or propose a new site at Area 51, the place where new Stack Exchange communities are democratically created.
For further help, see also What types of questions should I avoid asking?