As I understand it, zorgi corresponds to all of these:

  • to care

    Mi ne zorgas.

    Ĉu li eĉ zorgas pri ĉi tiaj aferoj?

  • to take care of

    zorgi pri ĝardeno

    zorgi pri infano

  • to worry

    Mi zorgas pri vi.

    Kiam panjo ne respondis miajn alvokojn, mi ekzorgis.

I find this very confusing, since all of the meanings are clearly different but still often used in the same context. Take Mi zorgas pri mia avino for example, am I worrying about my grandmother, or am I taking care of her? Also, trying to figure out the meaning of a word like memzorgema is rather tricky.

Are there other words that I can replace zorgi with?

4 Answers 4

  • to care -> interesiĝi (pri)

    I do not care about politics

    Mi ne interesiĝas pri politiko

  • to take care of -> okupiĝi (pri)

    I am taking care of the garden

    Mi okupiĝas pri la ĝardeno

  • to worry -> maltrankviliĝi (pri/pro)

    I worry about my daughter.

    Mi maltrankviliĝas pri mia filino


The word zorgi is vague, but in many cases, surrounding details make it clear what the situation is. In your example, Mi zorgas pri mia avino would usually be followed by something like Mi volus viziti pli ofte (in the first case) or Mi devis transloĝiĝi en ŝian domon (in the second). However, the word prizorgi always implies active involvement, and maltrankvili covers the more passive meaning. Note that the accusative can be used instead of pri.

  • prizorgi — to take care of
  • flegi — to nurse (an ill or incapacitated person, etc)
    • flegisto — a nurse
  • varti — to raise, bring up (a child, young or new thing, etc)
    • vartejo — nursery
    • vartisto — childcare worker
  • gardi — to watch, to look after (i.e. keep an eye on)
  • atenti — to pay attention to

Just to add a bit more detail about a translation of “I don’t care”, I think this English expression is a bit more abrasive than just the opposite of caring. I think if you say “I don’t care about football” there is a hint that you are annoyed that people keep talking to you about football. However if you say “I am not interested in football” it is more neutral and just stating a fact. I think the first phrase is better translated by “mi prifajfas futbalon”.

In summary, to just express your level of (non-)interest in football in a neutral way:

I’m not interested in football

Mi ne interesiĝas pri futbalo

Futbalo ne estas grava al mi

Mi ne zorgas pri futbalo

Whereas to add a hint of annoyance:

I don’t care about football

Mi prifajfas futbalon


Yes, it is confusing. To distinguish, I say:

  • fari al si zorgojn = to worry
  • trakti / zorgi pri = to take care of

Por "mi ne zorgas" prefere diru "ne gravas al mi."

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