How do you say in Esperanto continue doing?

For example:

He continued living there for the rest of his life.

4 Answers 4


There are different ways to express this concept in Esperanto.

In the case of actions, you can use the word plu 'further, more' as a prefix to the verb:

Ili pluiris 'They went on'

Ili plulaboros 'They'll continue working'

In the case states like in your example this is possible, too, but you can also add the adverb daŭre 'continuously', or, if there is no reason to emphasize the continuity, leave it to the context:

Li (daŭre) vivis tie ĝis la fino de sia vivo

For stylistic reasons this seems a bit better to me than pluvivis.

  • Ĉu vi celis diri tion ĉi?: Li (daŭre) loĝis tie ĝis la fino de sia vivo. (Redaktita por akcentigi la vorton, kiun mi korektis) Commented Jun 27, 2018 at 21:29

Some other forms: daŭrigi as help verb (similar to the English scheme), and plue as accented plu.

Li daŭrigis loĝi tie dum la resto de sia vivo

Li loĝis tie plue dum la resto de sia vivo

(I changed daŭris to daŭrigis - one is never too old to make mistakes.)

  • Even though I found some instances of daŭri …i in Tekstaro, it is mentioned that this is not proper usage: «oni povas diri: “la laboro daŭras” […], sed oni ne povas diri: “mi daŭras labori” […].» from Lingvaj Respondoj, Respondo 49, Oficiala Gazeto, 1911, p. 294. Note that in the same paragraph Zamenhof claims that daŭrigi …i is wrong, however PMEG deems the use of daŭrigi …i to be good, as most seem to. (Source.) PMEG does agree that daŭri …i is incorrect. Commented May 17, 2018 at 13:29
  • @Joffysloffy You are right that tio daŭras and mi daŭras labori have a different sense for daŭras. The verb kontinui or resti as help verb are very rare too and have the same issue, and probably many will find those usages wrong. Li restas loĝanta? pluloĝi is without problem, but is so bloodless.
    – Joop Eggen
    Commented May 17, 2018 at 13:49
  • You're plainly using daŭri in the sense of daŭrigi, as suggested by PMEG. I don't see a reason for daŭri …i to exist when daŭrigi …i has the intended meaning and is more logically constructed, as PMEG suggests: Mi daŭrigas laboriMi daŭrigas mian laboron. The fact that it is asymmetrical w.r.t. ĉesi is just unfortunate, but it is the way it is. I don't understand what issue you have with the word pluloĝi and whatever ‘bloodless’ means in this context. Also Li restas loĝanta seems perfectly fine, because here resti expresses the retainment of a state. Commented May 17, 2018 at 15:00
  • @Joffysloffy Thanks. It seems I did not understand your first comment. I stand corrected.
    – Joop Eggen
    Commented May 17, 2018 at 15:05
  • @JoopEgen Ah, excellent. Consequently my downvote has become an upvote :). You might still want to change daŭri to daŭrigi in the first line of your answer though! Commented May 17, 2018 at 15:14

There's already a couple of suggestions involving plu: as a prefix or as plue. Just don't forget that you can use good old plu in its natural form too:

Li vivis plu tie ĝis la fino de sia vivo.
Li plu vivis tie ĝis la fino de sia vivo.

It might be a little weird in that plu is not a verb like “continue”, but it conveys the same meaning.


Sounds like a fairy tale ending to me. Here's

Ili geedziĝas kaj vivas feliĉe ĉiam.

so vivas ĉiam is a possible translation.

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