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Andrew Woods's user avatar
Andrew Woods
  • Member for 8 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

How do you say "to name after"?

4 votes

Is there a (possibly online) dictionary of electronics in Esperanto?

4 votes

How do you say ‘navel orange’ in Esperanto?

4 votes

What's the most poetic way to translate this song line?

3 votes

Kio estas "Politkleriga Fako" kaj "Ĉefpolitkleriga Fako"?

3 votes

How would one say 'passing a buck' in Esperanto?

3 votes

How can I say "overwhelming"?

3 votes

"far"="fare de", "per"="pere de", ĉu oni povus apliki ĉi tiun regulon al aliaj vortoj?

3 votes

Kiel traduki „breaking news“ al Esperanto?

3 votes

How do you say "grounding", as in a grounding aroma?

3 votes

I-verbo kun relativa «kiu»

3 votes

What is a good translation for "nerd" in the modern sense?

3 votes

Kiel bone traduki ‘a rough diamond’ aŭ ‘a diamond in the rough’

3 votes

What is the Esperanto word for “hype”?

3 votes

How is "last resort" translated into Esperanto?

3 votes

When should "por" be used before an infinitive (i-verbo)?

3 votes

How does one say “What do you mean?” in Esperanto?

3 votes

What is "PE" in Esperanto?

3 votes

Are the compound verb tenses ever really used in Esperanto?

3 votes

Kio estas la objekto de "enskribi"?

3 votes

What is the difference between "volus"+infinitive and conditional mood?

3 votes

Kiel oni tradukas "Memento mori" al Esperanto?

3 votes

"Retadreso" or "retpoŝtadreso" for "e-mail address"?

3 votes

"tuj antaŭ ol" or "ĵus antaŭ ol"? What should I use when something happened just before an other thing?

2 votes

How can I say "cozy"?

2 votes

How do I say "back in the day"?

2 votes

Why "renkontiĝo" is more common than "renkonto" for saying "a meeting"?

2 votes

Use of se ... tiam ... in logical statements

2 votes

How to translate "downstream" and "upstream"?

2 votes

How can I say "to feel comfortable"?

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