I've heard esperantists mention "La Leĝo de Tonjo" but I'm not sure what it means. Can anybody explain?

1 Answer 1


The Leĝo de Tonjo is a humorous law mocking the fact that a large portion of conversations in Esperanto end up getting derailed by a discussion about grammar. The original text of the law is:

Ju pli reta diskuto en Esperanto longas, la probableco ke ĝi deflankiĝos al diskuto pri gramatikaĵoj aŭ pri la uzata vortigo des pli (asimptote) proksimiĝas al 1.

A rough translation would be:

The longer an internet discussion in Esperanto gets, the more the probability that it will get side-tracked into a discussion about grammatical points or the usage of a word approaches 1

It is written in an overly scientific style to make it seem more official, but it is just stating that a long internet conversation in Esperanto is bound to eventually end up with a pedantic talk about the language usage.

It is inspired by Godwin's law which is as follows:

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazism or Hitler approaches 1

This makes a similar point that any internet conversation will eventually make a reference to Nazism or Hitler. I guess in the case of conversations in Esperanto that likely means the conversation will first become a heated debate about grammar and then if it continues then one of the parties will angrily accuse the other of behaving like Hitler.

Ekzemplo de la leĝoj de Tonjo kaj Godwin

  • 1
    Interesa respondo, sed... Kiu estas Tonjo? 😀
    – user359
    Commented Sep 18, 2016 at 19:56
  • 1
    José Antonio del Barrio, pli konata kiel Toño (aŭ Tonyo, aŭ Tonjo). Vi povas sufiĉe facile trovi en la reto liajn paĝojn. Lian leĝon vidu ĉi tie: delbarrio.eu/2008/04/la-legho-de-tonjo.htm. Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 10:44

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