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Questions tagged [duolingo]

Use it for questions about learning Esperanto through the Duolingo (the course website or the mobile app).

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How many of Zamenhof's 917 original Esperanto roots does the Duolingo course cover?

The Unua Libro's dictionary section contains 917 roots. (Later many additional roots were added to the language.) How many of Zamenhof's 917 original Esperanto roots does the Duolingo course cover? If ...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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2 answers

Pronunciation of 'o' in Esperanto [duplicate]

Based on what I've learnt so far in Esperanto, it send to be rather consistent and straightforward in pronunciation - as in, each letter has a unique pronunciation.(I learn from Duolingo, by the way) ...
Myungjin Hyun's user avatar
16 votes
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Are some bad habits being observed among Duolingo alumni?

I'm afraid this question may be viewed as primarily opinion-based but keeping in mind all the marvellous teachers in this community, many of whom I know to be active in the Duolingo forums or Facebook ...
La Vo-o's user avatar
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3 votes
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Ĉu la kreantoj de la Esperanta kurso en Duolingo estas famaj Esperantistoj?

Duolingo certe helpis multe da homoj trovi kaj lerni Esperanton facile kaj amuze. Mi pensas, ke ĝi estas bonega ideo. Mi scivolis, ĉu ĝiaj kreantoj estas konataj kiel instruistoj ie (ekz. lernu! aŭ ...
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