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What are the chances of getting a Universala Kongreso ticket at the venue?

When I go to and in the "ALIĜADO" box click the "Reta aliĝilo" link, I get to a page saying Pardonpeton! La reta aliĝado por la UK estas finita. Vi povas aliĝi al la ...
das-g's user avatar
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What's the most common reason for learning Esperanto?

I started learning Esperanto because it sounded so international, with words from many different languages. It was mostly first just out of a linguistic interest, but then I got to know so many ...
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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What youth organizations are there that are active in Esperanto?

I've been a part of the board of TEJO during the last year, the umbrella organization that connects the worldwide Esperanto youth movement. That doesn't mean that is the only organization active in ...
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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What's the current status of Esperanto movement in North Korea?

Is there an active Esperanto movement in North Korea today? According to Vikipedio, a North Korean Esperanto Association was founded in 1959 and published a dictionary. But there are no more ...
Zuoanqh's user avatar
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Ĉu ekzistas komunumo en StackExchange kie oni nur parolas esperante?

Ĉi tie, oni ofte parolas angle, kun demandoj pri la esperanta lingvo. Mi pensas, ke gravas ekzisti komunumon kie oni nur parolas esperante. Ĉu ĝi ekzistas?
igokra's user avatar
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1 answer

Where can I interact with other Esperanto speaking psychologists?

I got to know one using Amikumu, but I would like to know more Esperantists.
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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2 answers

Esperanto rise or fall in 2016

Did the number of learners increase or decrease in 2016? I would like to know based on your own personal experience, in addition to any official data that you know of.
Lumo5's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Are there any good Esperanto communities for beginners?

I'm brand new to Esperanto (8 days as of this writing of this), and given that it is a constructed language, there is no region where one can go to for immersion. So my question is, are there any ...
amflare's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Seksaj proporcioj en la komenco de Esperanto

Mi legis ĉi tiun demandon pri seksaj proporcioj en la nuna tempo kaj pensis pri la infaneco de Esperanto. En la mondo, tiom multe ŝanĝiĝis por la seksoj ekde la 1880-aj jaroj. Kiel aspektis la seksaj ...
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Ĉu ekzistas feminisma movado en Esperantujo?

Mi iam ricevis invitadon al kelkaj interesaj grupoj fejsbuke, kiuj estas Esperantistaj grupoj, sed mi ankoraŭ ne trovis iun aktivan feminisman grupon. Ĉu ekzistas?
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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2 answers

Kiam okazos la deka Oficiala Aldono de la Akademio?

De tempo al tempo, la Akademio de Esperanto publikigas Oficialan Aldonon, liston de vortoj kiujn ĝi forte rekomendas. La Vikipedia artikolo montras ke la dato de publikiĝo de tiu listo ne estas ...
Vanege's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Which country of Africa has the highest number of Esperanto-speakers?

Africa is known for not having a lot of Esperanto-speakers. Still, which country does a good job at it?
Vanege's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Ĉu naciaj asocianoj estas aŭtomate UEA-anoj?

Lastatempe mi aniĝis ĉe la nacia Esperanto Asocio de mia denaska lando, la Esperanto Asocio de Britio. Samtempe, mi ekvidis ĉe la informo pri la 102-a Universala Kongreso, ke ekzistis rabatoj por ...
harlandski's user avatar
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1 answer

Who are some of the well known female Esperanto activists today? [closed]

I was reading a discussion on Telegram about female Esperantists and names like Lydia Zamenhof were mentioned. Who are some the ones that are active contributors in the movement today?
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What is the link between billionaire investor George Soros and Esperanto?

I have sometimes heard the name George Soros thrown around as a possible financier of different Esperanto projects. Is this only done as a joke, or does he actually have some involvement with ...
Jane D Chen's user avatar
13 votes
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How do you become "Esperantist of the Year" (Esperantisto de la Jaro)?

"Esperantisto de la Jaro" is a famous title given every year by the periodical La Ondo de Esperanto. The award recipient is selected by an international jury led by Halina Gorecka, without any clear ...
Vanege's user avatar
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