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Re: Kurso de Esperanto results

Just finished Kurso de Esperanto on Sunday w/o a tutor. Want to know how does one go about obtaining a complete hard copy of your results.
Ani's user avatar
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Which esperantido would be the most easy to learn for a non-european speaker? [closed]

I should state right now that I don't want to start a flamewar. People favor different aspects of languages and like what they like. All languages are beautiful. I know that Esperanto draws a lot of ...
cassepipe's user avatar
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5 answers

Recordings of fluently spoken Esperanto?

Where can one find recordings of fluently spoken Esperanto (conversations, podcasts, audio books...), where the speaker commands the language with the speed and ease of a first language speaker?
Arne Evertsson's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the PMEG?

Many answers in the forum refer to PMEG? What is it? A book, a tool, or perhaps a person with Esperanto super powers?
Arne Evertsson's user avatar
3 votes
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Novaj vortoj/radikoj en PIV 2020

Mi ĵus rimarkis ke la retejo de PIV ( ŝanĝiĝis kaj la enhavo nun devus esti tiu de PIV 2020. Ĉu iu scias ĉu la aldonoj, forigoj, modifoj estas listitaj ie?
Eduardo Trápani's user avatar
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Esperanto discord server? [closed]

I have a question concerning speaking practice, specifically, if there's any widely known discord server for Esperantists to discuss various topics and for beginners to practise speaking.
Peter Utekal's user avatar
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What's the difference between ending an adjective with -o and with -eco

What would be the difference between ending adjectives with -o and with -eco? For example, between saying kolero and kolereco or feliĉo and feliĉeco.
Nick the coder's user avatar
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Text correction [closed]

I am learning Esperanto since january and I am kinda starting to understand how it works, but I am doing this project from school where I needed to write a text about me since the project is learning ...
Sandra Santos's user avatar
7 votes
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Which language becomes easiest after Esperanto? [closed]

I learned Esperanto as a stepping stone to other European languages. Assuming I already know English and Esperanto (1 crown on all Duolingo lessons), which natural language(s) would be easiest to ...
Zuoanqh's user avatar
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Where to learn Esperanto?

I think I understand the (quite easy) basic grammar now... I just need some way to learn the words, but I don't just want to learn them off a list. Some kind of text with each line in English and ...
Finni's user avatar
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Ekzercoj el "Paŝoj al plena posedo"

Mi havas ekzemplero de "Paŝo al plena posedo" kaj legis la ekzercojn. Nun, mi serĉas la respondojn. Ĉu iu ajn havas la respondojn?
Bill Mania's user avatar
9 votes
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Where is Esperanto taught in schools?

Are there any nations, cities, states, or other municipalities which allow Esperanto to be learned as a second language in their school system? Are there any notable non-public schools which do? If ...
asp47's user avatar
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Newspaper and Video Channel in Esperanto

Is there a main newspaper in Esperanto, something like Le Monde for French or Süddeutsche Zeitung for German? Also, where could I find videos in Esperanto, for example, a YouTube channel or another ...
Alfie González's user avatar
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Anyone know where to find the Ilya Frank method's Esperanto books?

I'd like to try the Ilya Frank method as part of the process of learning Esperanto. On page 12 of this copy of Usona Esperantisto (
Caleb Koch's user avatar
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Learning words that don't have translations

How do you learn words that don't have translations into your language? Obviously start by reading the definition in PIV and other dictionaries to understand what it means. If I read the definition ...
Airvian's user avatar
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Best place to travel if you wanna speak Esperanto? [closed]

I'm kind of learning this language on Duolingo, and I am wondering if this language is useful.
user788's user avatar
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Intermediate and advanced Esperanto learning books (lernolibroj)

Are there any intermediate to advanced level Esperanto learning books or ebooks? Most seem to apply to beginners. For those that have mastered the basics, however there seems to be a lack of books, ...
domiriel's user avatar
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Which Esperanto youtubers have subtitles to their videos?

I think that learning through watching is great. Youtube is really popular among young people. Beginners might not be patient enough to watch if they only understand a fraction of what is said. ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
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Where can I get a language helper now that has removed that feature?

Before was updated, a large part of the material was corresponding courses: Ana Pana, Ana renkontas and so on. In each chapter one would read a text, complete a numer of exercises and then ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
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Is there a course in audio format for learning Esperanto from scratch?

Is there an audio course, that busy people can use to learn Esperanto from scratch from anywhere? I am looking for something like Coffee Break Spanish, where a speaker uses a start language (here ...
Vanege's user avatar
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Where I can learn Esperanto by Spanish?

Where I can find a good Esperanto course for Spanish speakers?
Aviadisto's user avatar
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Help me remember which is which: "humoro" and "humuro"

I keep mixing these up. In Swedish, one is humor and the other humör. Moreover, the English word humour is similar to both. Can anyone think of a memory rule or something?
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
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Is Baza Radikaro Oficiala useful for practical learning?

If I want to systematically expand my knowledge of roots, should I use Baza Radikaro Oficiala, or is there any better source? I know that it is the official list of roots, but I'm wondering about the ...
miĥaŭ's user avatar
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Are there any good Esperanto communities for beginners?

I'm brand new to Esperanto (8 days as of this writing of this), and given that it is a constructed language, there is no region where one can go to for immersion. So my question is, are there any ...
amflare's user avatar
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Which is the fastest that anyone documented on video has learnt conversational Esperanto?

After watching videos like the ones from Language Stuff, I'm wondering how fast anyone has learnt Esperanto to a level where they're able to hold a conversation (and this is documented by a video, ...
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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What resources can we recommend to Esperanto students?

I'm aware of a number of good free resources online. I thought it would be helpful to post this question so that we can provide students with a list of places to go. For example, Mi scias kelkajn ...
Dale Gulledge's user avatar
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Is there a good Esperanto cheat sheet about the basic rules?

I still forget some basic rules of Esperanto. Does anyone have a link to a good Esperanto cheat sheet?
benahm's user avatar
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How do I learn correlatives?

I'm learning Esperanto with Duolingo, Lernu and with books but the biggest problem for me is to learn the correlatives. Many people suggest memorizing them. Is there any simpler way?
Mte90's user avatar
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Kiuj podkastoj por komencantoj?

Mi konas kaj mi aŭskultas esperantajn retradiojn kiel Muzaiko-n ktp, sed kompreni ilin estas tro malfacile por mia esperanta nivelo. Do, ĉu iu konas kie mi povas trovi (tre) facilajn esperantajn ...
user84976's user avatar
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What is a good choice of textbook?

My question is this: I'm thinking about starting a club at my university for learning and using Esperanto. I want to adopt a group textbook and work through weekly assignments so it has the classroom ...
DonkoXI's user avatar
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Which online course for beginners can be completed in the smallest number of hours?

I'm looking for a course where the projected time to read through the text and work through the exercises has been estimated. Ideally it should cover the basics for beginners from A1 to B2.
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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Is learning Esperanto inherently more difficult for Asians than Europeans?

I see a lot about Esperanto being really European. Does this mean that Esperanto is really hard for Asian learners?
LaPingvino's user avatar
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Can I get a DVD version of Mazi en Gondolando somewhere? [closed]

I really enjoyed Mazi, but it would be really neat to be able to buy it and use it at home like that.
LaPingvino's user avatar
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Ĉu ekzistas lernolibroj por lerni la Anglan pere de Esperanto?

Laŭ mia scio ekzistas lernmetodoj por Esperanto en preskaŭ ĉiu lingvo, kaj multaj homoj lernas Esperanton ĉar ili ne bone sukcesis pri la angla. Ankaŭ mi scias ke eblas lerni diversajn lingvojn pere ...
LaPingvino's user avatar
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Which is the most-used course for learning Esperanto that isn't free?

A lot of the language learning courses out there are free and of high quality, but there are also some that cost money. Which is the one that is used the most? I'd like to ask about the "best" ...
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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Which is the fastest course for learning Esperanto? [closed]

I have heard people complain that Duolingo takes too long to reach a basic level. Is there a course that teaches the basics very fast so one can attain a high level quickly?
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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I want to learn Esperanto in a presence-course format. Where can I participate in an actual course like this?

I live in Europe, in Germany. I know about NASK, but maybe there is something in Europe?
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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What are the latest textbooks (lernolibroj) for learning Esperanto?

I don't mean reference-style books, as I'm aware of the formidable PMEG. What I'm looking for are books that teach Esperanto in a method similar to that of a school book. I know of two main ones - ...
Chris McDowell's user avatar
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What are some resources for learning other languages by means of Esperanto?

I enjoy learning languages, and I often find that things are clearer to me when I compare them to Esperanto, than when I compare them to English. What are some language-learning resources that use ...
kristan's user avatar
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Is there a list of recommended reading for beginners?

When someone starts learning a language, there are some novels that really should be required reading (if we're going that route of learning). Esperanto has a lot of literature. Is there a list of ...
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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How does Esperanto work for speakers of non-Western languages?

I need to be careful with this question, to avoid it becoming too opinion-based: Given that Eo has origins in Indo-European languages, with both grammatical constructs and vocabulary, it seems to me ...
Oliver Mason's user avatar
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Published sources describing the speed of Esperanto learning

My experience of learning Esperanto is that it is very easy to learn, I think most people who have tried agree. However, as part of my academic work, I am a neuroscientist with an interest in language ...
conor's user avatar
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Why should I learn Esperanto?

I barely remember why I started learning Esperanto. One day, I just thought: "Man, there exists a language called Esperanto, but I don't know anything about it, so why not investigate that matter a ...
ForceBru's user avatar
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Are there plans to release Esperanto courses for other languages on Duolingo?

I know that the Spanish language course is/will be available, but what about the other major languages?
Kyle Bailey's user avatar