Many answers in the forum refer to PMEG? What is it? A book, a tool, or perhaps a person with Esperanto super powers?
2Have you looked it up? Check this in Wikipedia.– Eduardo TrápaniCommented Feb 15, 2021 at 18:56
The purpose of a Stack Exchange community is to be the place where one would look up and find answers. But this discussion is better on the Meta site.– Arne EvertssonCommented Feb 15, 2021 at 19:06
2I asked that because when anybody asks a question, that person is supposed to "Provide details and share research with your question.". A simple search would have answered your question in its current form. But I feel you're going more for the "why is it mentioned so much?". Well, it is very good, and it's been on the internet, accessible to everybody for quite some time. That helps a lot.– Eduardo TrápaniCommented Feb 15, 2021 at 19:43
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1 Answer
PMEG is a book with the title Plena manlibro de Esperanta gramatiko. The current main editor is Bertil Wennergren, a known Esperantist and music performer. PMEG or PoMeGo, the big apple, is available online and is considered by many the most comprehensive grammar book.