When listing people and one of them is oneself (i.e. the first person singular pronoun), it's common in some languages and cultures (among them English and German) to list oneself last, or at least not first. Mentioning oneself first is even often considered impolite, probably because it is perceived as egocentric or even egoistic or narcissistic.
Do these same conventions also apply in Esperanto and in the Esperanto culture?
Is it common in Esperanto to list oneself last, or at least not first?
Is listing oneself first deemed impolite or inconsiderate in Esperanto culture?
I began wondering about this because Duolingo has the translation excercise sentence
and as sample solution
My guest and I eat dinner together.
Note that the English sentence has "I" and "my guest" swapped relative to the Esperanto sentence. It is quite uncommon for Duolingo sample solutions to change the order of listed items in a phrase part, even when the order semantically doesn't matter, so this stood out to me and seemingly also to others as it has sparked a little discussion in the forum.