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Expressing multiples of something

The best way to illustrate the question is by example. I now have {twice}/{double}/{two times the} the work to do, in half the time! Of course, I do not want to limit it to this example, but it is ...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
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Adverb or adjective for tio

Marko: Mi volas roli kiel soldato. Polo: Tio estas bona / bone Since tio is an -O word then should it be bona? Or, since the word tio is referring to a verb (roli), should it be bone?
Lumo5's user avatar
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When to use an adverb/adjective

Sometimes I get confused on when I should be using an adverb or an adjective. What's a good rule set? For example, one can respond to a question with "bona" or "bone" - but when do I use which?
Keir's user avatar
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