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Difference between 'tie ĉi' and 'ĉi tie'

I saw these two phrases in the sentences "Ni loĝas tie ĉi." and "Kiom da homoj lernas Esperanton ĉi tie?" Do 'tie ĉi' and 'ĉi tie' have precisely the same meaning and usage? ...
user67275's user avatar
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"esti turnita" vs "turniĝi"

What is the difference between saying something like "ĝi estis turnita" vs "ĝi turniĝis"? My guess is that the former means that "it" has been turned by something, whereas the latter means that "it" ...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
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What is the difference between "Mia onklo venas sane" and "Mia onklo venas sana"?

I know that one of them is an adverb and one of them is an adjective. But what is the deeper meaning of the sentences? Can you create a proper context for them please?
Aviadisto's user avatar
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Diferenco inter "", "estis ...anta" kaj "estas ...inta"?

Ĉu la signifoj de "ŝi instruis", "ŝi estis instruanta", "ŝi estas instruinta" samas? Se ne, kio estas la diferenco?
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