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Questions tagged [differences]

Use it for questions about the differences in the meaning of two words, phrases, or sentences. For us to be able to help you, please provide the sourced definitions you are referring to, where the confusion arises, as well as an example sentence that shows the ambiguity.

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1 answer

Difference of sabaton and sabate

This sentence uses sabate instead of sabaton. Multaj homoj ne laboras sabate kaj dimanĉe. Does the sentence have a different meaning, if sabaton is instead used?
user67275's user avatar
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What are the differences between malfacilo, malfacileco, and malfacilaĵo?

I'm having a hard time understanding the difference among malfacilo, malfacileco, and malfacilaĵo. I suppose they all mean difficulty, but what's the difference? For example, should This project is ...
TJnFvYLDu3's user avatar
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Kio estas la diferenco inter "fariĝis el" kaj "fariĝis al"?

Oni neniam eĉ scietis pri kio fariĝis el ili. (Mil naŭcent okdek kvar: p25) La angla versio: One never had the smallest clue as to what had happened to them. Ĉu ne "fariĝis el" devu esti &...
user64617's user avatar
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Ĉu la dua frazo gramatike estas ebla?

Ĉu vi volas esti savata? Ĉu vi volu esti savata? Kio estas gramatikaj diferencoj inter du frazoj? Ĉu la dua frazo gramatike estas ebla?
user64617's user avatar
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2 answers

Difference between 'tie ĉi' and 'ĉi tie'

I saw these two phrases in the sentences "Ni loĝas tie ĉi." and "Kiom da homoj lernas Esperanton ĉi tie?" Do 'tie ĉi' and 'ĉi tie' have precisely the same meaning and usage? ...
user67275's user avatar
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Difference between amiko and geamikoj

I learned that amiko and geamikoj means friend, and am wonder how they are differently used. My initial guess is 'geamikoj' means mutual relationship so it is not used as a singular form as 'geamiko' ...
user67275's user avatar
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Kien iras Sofia or Kien Sofia iras?

What is a better translation for the English sentence Where is Sofia going? Google Translate suggested Kien iras Sofia? and my Duolingo course gave me Kien Sofia iras as a correct sentence. If both ...
user67275's user avatar
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3 answers

How can one best express the two different senses of the English verb "to expect" in Esperanto?

The English verb "to expect" has 2 common meanings: to predict: "I expect that they will arrive within 2 hours" to demand: "I expect you to give me back my money within 2 ...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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Pasta/Pastaĵo/Pastaĵoj - How to interpret plurals of mass nouns?

After having read apaderno's question about uncountable nouns, I thought I understood them well. However... I thought that the sentence "Ili multe ŝatas pastaĵojn" was properly translated as ...
Daba McD's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the difference between "soldato" and "militisto"?

I have recently started studying Esperanto on Duolingo. In an exercise about professions, it used "soldato" to mean "soldier" and "milito" to mean "war", but, ...
Matteo Tassinari's user avatar
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What is the difference between senmorta and senmortulo?

I can't quite understand the difference difference between "senmorta" and "senmortulo". From what I understood the first would apply to anything that might be immortal, example; &...
Mateus's user avatar
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Ĉu diferenco ekzistas inter firmo kaj firmao?

Ĉu estas okazo, en kiu unu estas pli bona uzi ol la alia aŭ ĉu ĝi estas nur via elekto? Is there occasion when one is better to use than the other or is it just your choice?
jastako's user avatar
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Questions about "farigxi"

I do not understand this verb. It's parts, far and igx, would make me think that it means "get made" as in The cookies were made in 20 minutes / La kuketoj farigxis dum 20 minutoj However, ...
Olivro18's user avatar
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Can pro be followed by an infinitive verb?

For example: Dankon pro helpi min I know that it is grammatically incorrect to say “Dankon pro vi helpis min”, because a complete fraze cannot follow a preposition. You would need to say “Dankon pro ...
Olivro18's user avatar
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Kiam oni uzu "pensi" kaj "kredi"?

Kun ĉi tiaj frazoj, kiam oni uzu "pensi" kaj "kredi"? Mi pensas, ke ĉio estas preta por la festo aŭ Mi kredas, ke ĉio estas preta por la festo Mi pensas, ke mi volas iri aŭ ...
Olivro18's user avatar
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3 answers

Kio estas la diferenco inter "la prefera lingvo por elŝutu ludojn en" kaj "la prefera lingvo por elŝuti ludojn en?"

La demando estas precize pri -u vs -i. Mi scias ke iom da "ke frazoj" havu la -u finado. Kiel estas en mia malantaŭa frazo. Sed mi sentas ke la frazo en mia demando devus havi la -u finado. ...
DjDeets's user avatar
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Kio estas la diferenco inter -int kaj -it?

Mi ne komprenas la diferencon inter -int kaj -it, precize instalinta kaj instalita. Mi nun tradukas aplikaĵon en Esperanton sed la traduko de "Installed" estas malfacila por mi kompreni.
DjDeets's user avatar
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What is the difference between "portas" and "surhavas"?

What is the difference between portas and surhavas, which were both given as translation for is wearing from Duolingo?
Caasi's user avatar
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Diferenco inter "riski" kaj "aŭdaci"?

Ekzistas diferenco inter "riski" kaj "aŭdaci"? Lau Glosbe ambaŭ estas sama (to dare, to be audacious). Ekzistas okazoj kie vi uzus unu anstataŭ la aliaj aŭ ĉu vi povas uzi ili ...
jastako's user avatar
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Difference between "multe" and "iomege"?

So, I learned the word "iomete" and when reading I saw that "iomege" also exists. Not sure exactly what the difference between that and "multe" is however. Also, between "malmulte" and "iomete"?
indjev99's user avatar
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Kio estas la diferenco de la verboj "porti" kaj "surhavi"?

Saluton. Mi priserĉis la signifojn de tiuj ĉi du verboj, sed ŝajnas al mi ke ili estas tutsamaj kaj tutegalaj. Ĉu?
Qàtrè's user avatar
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Ĉu "eskalo" kaj "ŝtupetaro" estas sinonimoj?

Are "eskalo" and "ŝtupetaro" synonyms, or is there any difference between the (probably at least greatly overlapping) meanings of these two terms? If the latter, what is the difference? Ĉu "eskalo" ...
das-g's user avatar
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Ĉu antaŭ aŭ antaŭe?

Mi komencis lerni Esperanton antaŭ unu jaro. Mi komencis lerni Esperanton unu jaron antaŭe. Kio estas la diferenco de la du frazoj? Ĉu ili havas malsamajn signifojn?
Qàtrè's user avatar
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How do you say the color orange in Esperanto?

I'm confused about oranĝkolora vs oranĝa for many reasons. oranĝkolora explicitly means orange colored but is a mouthful compared to oranĝa. The color-kolora pattern doesn't explicitly appear again ...
DjDeets's user avatar
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How does «do» differ from the other words for “so”?

In What is the difference between do, tiel, tial, tiom, and sekve? the answers address the differences between all the title’s words—except for do. I just saw a Duolingo sentence, Mi ne ankoraŭ ...
Trey's user avatar
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"esti turnita" vs "turniĝi"

What is the difference between saying something like "ĝi estis turnita" vs "ĝi turniĝis"? My guess is that the former means that "it" has been turned by something, whereas the latter means that "it" ...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
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Imperative vs conditional "must"

"Li diris ke mi estu kvieta" implies that he said that I ought to be be quiet (a suggestion/desire/implicit command). "Li diris ke mi devas esti kvieta" means that he said that I must be quiet (a ...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
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korbopilko and korbopilkado says that korbopilko is sport, but says that sport is korbopilkado, but korbopilko is a ball, used for this sport. I think the second is clearer variant. Which meaning ...
Konstantin Morenko's user avatar
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Kontraŭaj signifoj de 'aperi'

PIV kaj ReVo donas ne nur malsaman sed kontraŭan signifon por la vorto aperi: PIV: aperi 4. Sin montri ia aŭ tia, kia oni efektive estas (male al ŝajni) ReVo: aperi 2. Sin montri ia aŭ tia,...
Vidamuzo's user avatar
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What's the difference between ending an adjective with -o and with -eco

What would be the difference between ending adjectives with -o and with -eco? For example, between saying kolero and kolereco or feliĉo and feliĉeco.
Nick the coder's user avatar
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What is the difference between the words "fariĝi" and "okazi" when meaning "to happen"?

They both can mean "to happen" I'm not sure what the difference is. Please provide a sentence example. Thanks.
Nala Cat's user avatar
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What is the difference between do, tiel, tial, tiom, and sekve?

Can someone tell me the difference between these words?They all can translate as “ so” in English. I’ve also seen do, tiel, and tial translated as “therefore”. Please also provide sentence examples ...
Nala Cat's user avatar
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Ĉu estas diferenco inter "teĥniko" kaj "tekniko"?

Is there a difference between "teĥniko" and "tekniko"? According to ReVo, both seem to signify "technique", i.e. the skillful way of doing, performing or producing something specific.
das-g's user avatar
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What is the difference between "flari" and "odori"?

Both words seem to be defined as 'to smell'.
Keir's user avatar
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When one uses "povu" instead of "devas", what is the nuance?

Povu probably means "should", according to the Esperanto Bible: However, we already have devi. So I wonder, is there any nuance being expressed here? I looked up PIV, ...
Zuoanqh's user avatar
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What is the difference between «nun» and «ĉi tiam»

What is the difference (if any) between the correlative «ĉi tiam» and the German-derived «nun?» Or does the only difference lie in the ability to easily use the adverb form of nun, «nune,» and the ...
jajaperson's user avatar
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What is the difference between "postuli" and "demandi"?

The verb to ask can be translated as postuli and demandi. Are the two words equivalent or are there differences?
Pierre's user avatar
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What is the difference between "anarĥiisto" and "anarkiisto"?

I was looking for a translation of the word anarchist on the web and I found two words to say it: anarĥiisto and anarkiisto. What is the difference between those two words? The website where I made ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Difference between fari and farti

I have seen people use both fari and farti for the verb "to do", so I'm asking whether they are the same, or whether they have different meanings.
user1417's user avatar
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What is the difference between “tio” and “ke”?

Can someone please explain to me, what the difference between tio and ke is? They both translate as that, but I assume that, like de and da, they are used differently.
user1417's user avatar
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13 votes
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Difference between kuracisto and doktoro?

So, why is it that Duolingo has kuraciston for "Doctor" when books like Teach Yourself Esperanto have doktoro? Is there some sort of technical distinction between the two words? Perhaps a medical ...
user avatar
9 votes
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Stepfather: vicpatro or duonpatro?

I was searching for the Esperanto word for stepfather, and I found two words, vicpatro and duonpatro. Are there any differences, in connotation or otherwise, between these two words? If they are ...
Tashus's user avatar
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"da" rilate al A-vorto

Laŭ PMEG oni neniam uzu da rilate al A-vorto, eĉ se ĝi esprimas kvanton, mezuron aŭ nombron (detalaj reguloj pri da): La botelo estas plena de/je akvo. [...] Neniam diru plena da... aŭ plene da......
Vidamuzo's user avatar
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Kio estas la diferenco inter "jako" kaj "mantelo"?

Kiam mi lernis bazajn vortojn rilate al vestaĵoj, mi lernis "mantelo" sed ne "jako". Poste mi eltrovis ke "jako" estas ofte uzata kaj ke ĝi ne estas neologismo. Mi ĵus trarigardis la difinojn ĉe ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
6 votes
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Difference between ties and ĝia

Is there a practical difference between ties and ĝia? Why should the following sentence use ties? a sunsistemo estas la aro de planedoj, lunoj, asteroidoj, kaj kometoj, kiu ĉirkaŭas la Sunon pro ...
Brandon Hood's user avatar
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Kial ne “okulvitro” anstataŭ “okulvitroj” se kaj “pantalono” kaj “tondilo” estas singularaj?

Logike, se oni portas okulvitrojn, tio kio estas super la nazo estas unuopa, kvankam ĝi enhavas du pecoj da vitro aŭ plasto.
Erik Bjørn Pedersen's user avatar
3 votes
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Kio estas la diferenco inter "mallibera" kaj "nelibera"?

Mi scias, ke ja estas diferenco inter "nebona" kaj "malbona", ĉar io povas ne esti bona sed sen esti tute malbona, t.e. per esti "neŭtra". Tamen mi kredas, ke io "mallibera" necese estas io ne libera,...
maliktunga's user avatar
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What is the difference between "bildrakonto" and "komikso"?

I have seen these two words used interchangeably in Reddit, however in French, there is a clear distinction between bande dessinée (any kind of comic strip) and comics (specific kind of comic strips ...
Vanege's user avatar
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I'm pretty sure I got them all sorted out right but I'm having a little trouble figuring out how loĝantaro, etno, and popolo are different. Raso-race, concerned with your genetics and physical ...
Airvian's user avatar
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What is the difference between "sana" and "saniga"?

In my dictionary there's both "sana" and "saniga" for "healthy". What is the difference? Can I simply always use "sana"? If not, why?
Antonia Montaro's user avatar