What is the difference between neŭtra and neŭtrala? I learned that they both translate to neutral in English. Is there a nuanced difference between those two words?
2 Answers
They are two different words.
From Vortaro:
Tia, ke ĝi apartenas nek al unu nek al alia el du kategorioj.
That which belongs to neither of two categories.
Examples: Neither man or woman, acidic or alkaline, positive or negative (charge).
Ne partoprenanta, nek volanta partopreni en diskuto, konflikto, milito.
Not participating, nor wanting to participate in a discussion, conflict, war.
Examples: Neutral country, neutral language.
According to JC Wells' dictionary, neŭtra is "neuter", ie something neither masculine nor feminine, mostly in grammar. I guess you could say La veterinaro neŭtrigis la katon for a non-grammar example. Something very different from "neutral"!
Only neŭtrala means "neutral".