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3 answers

Ĉu "ŝia edzino", aŭ "sia edzino?

Duolingo tradukas "Sophia and her wife" al "Sofia kaj ŝia edzino". Kial oni devas ne uzi "sia" en tiu ĉi frazo, anstataŭ la pronomo "ŝia"?
Qàtrè's user avatar
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How would you say “I should not have taught you that”?

How would you say I should not have taught you that? Which of the following sentences is correct? Mi ne devus instruinta tiun al vi. Mi ne estus devinta instrui tiun al vi.
Keir's user avatar
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How would say someone had a "thick" or "broad" accent?

Like if you were saying "he has a thick accent" or "he has a broad accent."
Keir's user avatar
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Does profunda also mean philosophically deep?

I understand that profunda translates to "deep", as in "deep water". La rivero estas profunda. But in English we often use the word deep to mean philosophically deep, or profound, as in profound ...
GeezerGeek's user avatar
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What is the most common way to say “update” in Esperanto?

I know that there are at least three words that convey that meaning (verb and noun): ĝisdatigi/o aktualigi/o novigi/o It seems to me that these days the most used one is ĝisdatigi, which to me seems ...
Lyubomir Vasilev's user avatar
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3 answers

How would one translate "swag"?

Since swag generally means the coolness of a person (e.g. I have swag, I am a swaggy person), would mojosegeco or mojoseco be a good translation for swag?
Olivia's user avatar
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How would you say "all of that sitting around"?

How would you say to someone when they ask why you don't want to do something and the reason is "all of that sitting around and waiting"
Keir's user avatar
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How do you say "blah blah blah" in Esperanto?

As usual, I was mentally translating everyday, common things the other day for practice and wanted to say blah blah blah, but I wasn't sure if there was an already established way of saying this in ...
Chris McDowell's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you say "vice versa" in Esperanto?

For example, I might say I'll ask you the questions and you respond; then we'll do it again vice versa, meaning that the second time around I would be the one responding to the questions. Would male ...
Chris McDowell's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How does one say “What do you mean?” in Esperanto?

I’ve seen (in the romaneto “Gerda malaperis”): Kion vi volas diri? However, I suppose that just like in English, there is a slight difference between “What do you mean?” and “What do you want to ...
Lyubomir Vasilev's user avatar