The expression lagom is something that is thought by many Swedish to be unique to the language. It means not too little and not too much: just the right amount. It can be used for anything like the amount of food you eat, how much jewellery you wear, or how much you brag about your kids' school efforts.

  • The uniqueness is slightly overstated as Norwegian passe is the same as Swedish lagom.
    – LosManos
    Commented Sep 28, 2016 at 11:53

4 Answers 4


The word "ĝustamezure" ("just the right amount", "just right") covers it pretty well.

  • 2
    Depending on the situation, I'd say that "ĝuste" works quite well too. Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 20:15
  • 2
    Yes, it certainly does.
    – Bertilo
    Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 21:19

This situation calls for compounds using trafa, taŭga, deca, preciza, etc.

My contribution: trafkvante. (I am tempted to write trafiom or taŭgiom, but that would be awful of me.)

  • 1
    What do you mean by "This"? Did you forget to add a link? Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 21:14
  • A word analogous to taŭgiom would probably be legal in Novial! Commented Sep 28, 2016 at 7:44

Another (unofficial) alternative is the prefix "sil-". I seem to remember reading a "silisma manifesto" at one point, but the most complete reference I can find now is this post in soc.culture.esperanto by Paul Ebermann:

Krome en la lastaj jaroj ekuzigxis la prefikso "sil-", kiu signifas proksimume "nek ~, nek mal~, sed ie (ne nepre meze) intere".

(Estas junulara inventajxo, same kiel "mojosa" - "modernjunstila" - "cool", ambaux aperis en kunsido de TEJK (TutEuxropa Junulara Konferenco), forumo de kunlaboro inter la euxropaj Esperanto-Junularoj.)


In the Lernu forum, I found these possible answers, too: "laŭmezure" "ĝustamezure" (Bertilo's answer).

Or konvena, sufiĉa, trafe... Or simply "ne tro" (which I think covers the Jantelag aspect pretty well.). Which we can adverbize: "netroe".

For the combination "lagom mängd" this idea from the forum is pretty good too: "Ĝusta kvanto", "Ĝusta nombro".

Nun ni netroe kunumas. :-D

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