Take for instance a simple sentence like "I am right". Should this then technically be "mi estas prave" (or even "mi prave estas") instead of "mi estas prava"? Why do I ask? Because, to me, this seems like...
- "Mi estas prava."
- ...I myself am what is right, because I am a god[dess] or something.
- "Mi estas prave."/"Mi prave estas."
- ...I "am being" right, e.g. because of something I said.
Granted, one could also have said "mi pravas", but ignore that case for the sake of this question. "Prav{a,e}" is just an example word I used in this question, but is not strictly limited to such a case.
In contrast, and also to better illustrate my question, take another sentence such as "I am pretty". Now, to me, this does describe how I am (and indeed I am! =^=), and thus, in my opinion, would be in the adjective form, ĉu ne?
- "Mi estas bela."
- I myself am what is pretty.
- "Mi estas bele."/"Mi bele estas."
- I...uh...exist prettily?
This answered question is close-ish to mine, but not quite. I already know that adverbs in Esperanto can describe verbs, adjectives, and subclauses (e.g. "Estas bele, ke la monadoj kune ŝajne harmonias"), but here I am not sure what actually should be the thing that is described (i.e. the subject "mi", or the "estas"), and thus whether the adjective or the adverb should be used.