For example, I say "I am writing in my journal." Would I use verki or skribi? Are both acceptable?

Other examples would be appreciated.


2 Answers 2

  • Skribi: To write.
  • Verki: To compose.

These words may be translated literally in your example:

  • Mi skribas en mia taglibro.: "I am writing in my journal."
  • Mi verkas en mia taglibro.: "I am composing in my journal."

Verki generally refers to the act of painstaking composition and synthesis rather than the specific act of writing itself, as is referred to by skribi.

  • Mi devas praktiki skribadon.: "I must practice (the act of) writing."
  • Mi devas praktiki verkadon.: "I must practice (the act of) composition."

TL;DR: In this particular context, both verki and skribi can be acceptable.


You can "verki" without being Thomas Mann. Verki simply means to create a verko. You could translate that as a work, or piece (of literature). As such, if you write a novel - during NaNoWriMo, for your desk drawer or for publication - you verkis.

If you have written a poem, you verkis.

Every type of writing is skribi, but verki is the specific concept of creating a piece (of literature).

Here are a few examples:

  • Mi verkis belan rakonton.

  • "...mi tamen verkis ĝin en ĉina lingvo, mia gepatra lingvo. Mi skribis ĝin ĉefe..."

  • "Sube mi verkis elsendaĵon pri la Klubo de Romo..."

  • "...kantoj, kiujn mi tradukis aŭ verkis por diversaj Esperanto-artistoj..."

  • "Mi skribas leteron."

  • 1
    Is it only applicable to literature? Could one "verkas muzika verko aŭ arta verko"?
    – gfullam
    Commented Jun 10, 2020 at 21:57

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