I first learned the word prononco for pronunciation. When I first started reading PMEG a couple of months ago, I noticed the word elparolo is used.
What is the difference between the two words? When would I use the one over the other?
I used PIV and found these definitions:
Maniero kiel oni prononcas
There was no result for elparolo, but I imagine it would be something like: "Maniero kiel oni elparolas". Hence, it becomes a matter of verbs instead of nouns:
Artikige aŭdigi
1 Prononci
2 Elfluigi la vortojn en propra maniero
It seems like they are synonyms. I'd say that this is another example where Esperanto has two words for the same thing: one loaned root and one kunmetaĵo, alike hospitalo and malsanulejo.
According to my research, elparolo is closer to enunciation and prononco to pronunciation, whose difference in English itself is delicate.