There are two meanings of ‘liquidity’, namely, financial solvency, and that of being easily convertible to cash. It is the latter sense that I am asking about.

Of Benson, Wells, Vikivortaro, Vikipedio, ReVo and Sonja, only Wells and Vikivortaro seem to address this sense. They both offer the same translation: ‘likideco’ – yes, without the ‘v’ that one would expect. It seems like a typo, and yet it occurs in two (presumably) independent sources (or, was it a typo in Wells that got copied into Vikivortaro?). Anyway, how should ‘liquidity’ in the sense of ‘easily convertible to cash’ be rendered in Esperanto?

3 Answers 3


As the official word solventa means "pagokapabla", capable of paying, and of course qualifies a natural or legal person, I would propose for the liquid capital solventiga, because according to my (layman) understanding liquid capital is such capital which makes the owner solvent.

Another possibility would be neligita (in the meaning 2 of ligi according to PIV: "limigi ies liberan agadon") or neblokumita.

EDIT: I just looked it up in the huge German/Esperanto dictionaries by Krause. He also has likida, so this is a real word, not a typo, I found it also used a few times on the Internet. But I don't know whether it also has the two meanings of English liquid. As my proposals above rather aim at the first meaning, a clear for the second meaning would be kontant/ig/ebl/a.


If you look at Minnaja’s Vocabolario Italiano-Esperanto you see that somebody (surely not a bonlingvisto) came up with likva (a phase of matter) ≠ likvida (in linguistics) ≠ likida (convertible to cash.) I usually don’t agree with extreme bonlingvistoj, but I also disagree with such proliferation of similar-sounding roots. Just as likva konsonanto is OK with me, pagipov(ec)o and kontantigebl(ec)o are the forms I’d recommend for the two meanings of liquidity we are talking about here.

Edit: I googled likida and (after pruning thousands of spurious hits) I found that either it appears only in dictionaries or I have pruned too much. In any case, it is an extremely rare word, not really alive. On the contrary, kontantigebl* gives a dozen of genuine hits, not all with this precise meaning, but all close to it.


I think words like monigebla, monigebleco are quite fit for your meaning ("cashable"). Also vendebleco, or tujvendebleco are good for that.

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