Some of the things that I really like about Esperanto are the clear rules without exceptions. But there is something that is not really clear and I think, Zamenhof didn't notice.
Zamenhof states in the german version of the fundamento:
Es gibt nur zwei Fälle: Nominativ und Akkusativ; der letztere entsteht aus dem Nominativ, indem die Endung n hinzugefügt wird.
In the english version:
There are two cases: the nominative and the objective (accusative).
But the use of accusative is different in different languages. There are certain verbs in German that always put their object in the dative, even when there’s no preposition.
- helfen helpi
- glauben kredi
- antworten respondi
- ... and many more
Also in Russian (if a person is the goal of motion) and Polish (to help someone, to believe someone) dative is used instead of accusative.
Some examples of Zamenhof using dative where I believe, native English speakers would use accusative:
... bone do, mi kredas al vi, ke la persono, kiu vin interesas, ... ... Nu! se vi al mi ne kredas, interrompis lin la literaturisto ...
Zamenhof (Marta, 1910)
... Li elprenis sian vazeton kaj ŝmiris la pupon per la ŝmiraĵo, per kiu li helpis al la kompatinda maljuna virino, kiu rompis al si la piedon.
Zamenhof (Fabeloj de Andersen 1, 1909)
...Kial vi ne respondas al mi, kiam mi vin demandas? ...
Zamenhof (Dua libro)
So how to know when to use al instead of accusative -n?