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11 votes

Different Esperanto Dictionaries

I believe the two main dictionaries for definitions in Esperanto are PIV and ReVo. PIV PIV is the Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto. Traditionally it is sold as a very large book but recently its ...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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10 votes

Do dictionaries that don't exist online reflect current usage?

Esperanto is not static, but it is very stable, partly on account of the Fundamento and the continued currency of the earliest texts, and partly because its users are relatively conservative and (for ...
Andrew Woods's user avatar
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8 votes

Mallongigoj Specialaj de

La Reta Vortaro kaj PIV (kiu estas la fonto de estas du forkoj de la sama originala verko (la Plena Vortaro de Esperanto), do mi supozas ke ili uzas la samajn mallongigojn. La Reta ...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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7 votes

Do dictionaries that don't exist online reflect current usage?

A language is not defined by beginners. Esperanto is an established language with a long tradition. Many of these dictionaries represent a very large amount of scholarly work by people with impressive ...
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
6 votes

Which is the appropriate translation of 'multilingual'?

Oni uzas kaj plurlingva vortaro kaj multlingva vortaro. Parolanto de multaj lingvoj estas plurlingvulo. Mi ankaŭ vidis poligloto aŭ multlingvano sed nur unu retejo uzas tiajn vortojn.
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
5 votes

Is there an Esperanto online dictionary meta search?

According to their landing page, ViVo (Vikia Vortaro) searches for you in: ReVo (Reta Vortaro) Vikipedio (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Majstro Komputeko (an IT dictionary, itself with various ...
das-g's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there an online Esperanto word stem "diagrammer?"

You are looking for a tool that does morphological analysis for Esperanto. There is a great variety of such tools around and I remember that some of them were also trained and tested for Esperanto. A ...
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
4 votes

Different Esperanto Dictionaries

To Neil Roberts’s excellent list I’d like to add Wiktionary, both the Esperanto one, and the English one, which has a surprising amount of Esperanto definitions, for example mojosa. Sometimes, ...
Bjørn's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a (possibly online) dictionary of electronics in Esperanto?

Here is an online Eo-Eo dictionary of basic electrical terms (2MB, HTML): And a sample of short articles:
Andrew Woods's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there an online Esperanto word stem "diagrammer?"

I often use Simpla Vortaro. It is primarily a dictionary, with the same database as ReVo, but with a "Vortfarada Serĉo" section which decomposes the entry. If more than one decomposition is possible, ...
Sambuko's user avatar
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3 votes

Ĉu ekzistas etimologia vortaro de Esperanto?

Estas du bonaj libroformaj etimologiaj vortaroj de Esperanto: Plej fidinda kaj scienca estas la kvinvoluma Etimologia Vortaro de Esperanto de Ebbe Vilborg, aperinta inter 1989 kaj 2001. Ĝi enhavas ...
Cyril Robert Brosch's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a (possibly online) dictionary of electronics in Esperanto? is more about computer technology than electronics, but of the five specific words you mention, resistor is just plain missing, and though current doesn't appear by itself, there is a ...
Don McIntosh's user avatar
2 votes

Is there 1-to-many dictionary sql, txt, raw-binary... pictures...?

TL;DR: ReVo data (XML, GNU GPL v2) (archived 2020-03-21) ESPDIC (...
das-g's user avatar
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2 votes

Android eBook reader with Esperanto dictionary integration

Many readers support dictionary integration, though sometimes with clumsy invocation. After some searching, I settled on ZXReader (allows several dictionary programs and you can set it up to lookup by ...
Radovan Garabík's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a (possibly online) dictionary of electronics in Esperanto?

Although not a dictionary, the website may be of help for anyone trying to learn about electricity and electronics in Esperanto. The website includes textbooks, ...
Lyubomir Vasilev's user avatar
2 votes

Ĉu ekzistas etimologia vortaro de Esperanto?

Ekzistas la Etimologia Vortaro de Andras Rajki. Ĝi estas libere elŝutebla.
Vanege's user avatar
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1 vote

Ĉu ekzistas etimologia vortaro de Esperanto?

Aldone al la aliaj respondoj, ĉi tiu vortaro estas havebla rete.
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a (possibly online) dictionary of electronics in Esperanto?

With a bit of googling, I found this cool site that has an online picture list of terms of different types in different languages. They have a section on Electronics. Here's the link: http://www....
Karlomanio's user avatar

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