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20 votes

Does a source for words pertaining to programming or software development exist?

Yes! The most comprehensive resource for technical language is Komputeko, an online dictionary run by E@I. It's comprised of a large number of neologisms, some of which are pulled from other sources (...
Alkali's user avatar
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15 votes

Which are the best multilingual online and offline dictionaries?

The Reta Vortaro is good as an online dictionary and has translations into many languages. There are also offline versions as apps: PReVo for Android Poŝa Reta Vortaro for iOS Praktika Vortaro for ...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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12 votes

Kiel "esperantigi" Stack Exchange? / How to "esperantize" Stack Exchange?

Jen mia propono: Stakinterŝanĝo.
Lyubomir Vasilev's user avatar
11 votes

Where can I read interesting articles about science in Esperanto?

There's ISAE that is issuing Scienca Revuo every now and then. On their website there's a huge archive of scientific articles that date back until 1949. Unfortunately due to lack of contributions ...
Johannes Mueller's user avatar
10 votes

Where do I find online bookshelves with ebooks or PDFs written in Esperanto? You can find quite a lot of books on Project Gutenberg. And on this page:
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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10 votes

Where do I find online bookshelves with ebooks or PDFs written in Esperanto?

There are a whole lot of PDF e-books here: They include La Mirinda Sorĉisto de Oz and others in the series, Alicio en Mirlando and Trans la Spegulo, as well as the ...
kristan's user avatar
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9 votes

Is PIV an infallible reference

While PIV is often regarded as the "official" guide to Esperanto, it has never been considered flawless. If it were, it would never be necessary to publish updates or corrections. People question the ...
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
8 votes

Where can I ask people to proofread my texts in Esperanto?

Lang-8 is not Esperanto-specific, but it exists pretty much for that exact purpose. You can tag your entries as "Esperanto" and people will find them.
Chives's user avatar
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8 votes

Where can I find free Esperanto audiobooks?

Here you can listen to La Eta Princo by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. If you want to download it and listen to it offline, I would recommend something like AllTube Download and select Audio only (mp3).
Milo Minderbinder's user avatar
8 votes

Where can I find free Esperanto audiobooks?

The only one I could find after some searching is
Oliver Mason's user avatar
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8 votes

Where do I find online bookshelves with ebooks or PDFs written in Esperanto?

There's an almost complete collection of the works of Claude Piron in epub format (amongst others). I recommend all of the books in the ĉu-series for a bit of light reading and to learn some new vocab....
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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8 votes

Does a source for words pertaining to programming or software development exist?

Franclingve ekzistas Lexique des termes scientifiques Mathématique, physique, informatique, français-esperanto, esperanto-français far Jacques Joguin. Mi ne konas retumeblan version, sed mi aĉetis la ...
psychoslave's user avatar
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8 votes

What are some popular web services to find Esperantists by location?

An app is being developed, kind of like Grindr or Tinder, called Amikumu. It's not quite ready yet, but once it is, I think it will serve your purposes.
Ted's user avatar
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7 votes

Where do I find online bookshelves with ebooks or PDFs written in Esperanto?

At there are more than 150 books available as PDFs. Both translations and original Esperanto literature. There is also an option to download all the books at once as a 250 MB zip file.
LaStranga's user avatar
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7 votes

Where can I find free Esperanto audiobooks?

You can get some of Jack Vance's works in mp3 format for free from here. See the section "Scienca Fikcio", some of the entries there have an mp3 link. You can listen to them online or download them.
Lyubomir Vasilev's user avatar
7 votes

Intermediate and advanced Esperanto learning books (lernolibroj)

Have you tried Being Colloquial in Esperanto? It doesn't contain exercises, but it goes a bit deeper than the beginner level books. There are physical copies available, I believe, but below I will ...
Kyle Bailey's user avatar
6 votes

Where can I find free Esperanto audiobooks?

Here are four selections from Fabeloj de Andersen (link); only the four under Fabeloj kun Voĉo have sound, the rest are just text. There are some others on LibriVox, but the pronunciation isn't very ...
kristan's user avatar
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6 votes

Are there active discussion groups about politics in Esperanto?

You might want to check out this group on Telegram: Religio, politiko kaj aliaj tiklaj temoj - por paroli pri tiaj tiklaj temoj
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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5 votes

Are there any thesauruses in Esperanto?

There's "Esperantonimoj" As an alternative, you can use a national language thesaurus and a bilingual dictionary to find word suggestions.
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
5 votes

Are there any Esperanto resources about shogi ("Japanese chess")?

I don't know any good free resources, but I have read there are some good book on Shogi in Esperanto by Ueda Tomohiko. You can buy his guide for beginners [over here] on the UEA catalog, and [here] ...
Raizin's user avatar
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5 votes

What are some popular web services to find Esperantists by location? has a search feature that allows you to search users by location. Right now the messaging isn't working so you won't be able to message them at this time. However, you could find their ...
Lumo5's user avatar
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5 votes

How to translate card game terms?

Provisionally, I would use these terms. to draw - preni karton to shuffle - miksi kartojn to deal - disdoni kartojn to place (on a table) face up - elmeti averso-supren to discard - formeti to set ...
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a reference Eo lexicon for version control?

TLDR; Try looking at examples of people discussing VCS in Esperanto. After looking at the Github page for Pasporta Servo, I found some ways of expressing these terms. They are not all perfect ...
CourteousCoder's user avatar
5 votes

What is the PMEG?

PMEG is a book with the title Plena manlibro de Esperanta gramatiko. The current main editor is Bertil Wennergren, a known Esperantist and music performer. PMEG or PoMeGo, the big apple, is available ...
Juha Metsäkallas's user avatar
4 votes

Which are the best multilingual online and offline dictionaries?

I don't know about offline dictionaries, but Reta Vortaro is probably the best online dictionary.
Mutre's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there active discussion groups about politics in Esperanto?

There's the vidpunktoj forum on There are sometimes debates on politics, but they can get quite boring because it's the same people discussing the same stuff over and over again. Especially ...
Johannes Mueller's user avatar
4 votes

Where can I ask people to proofread my texts in Esperanto?

Some local esperanto clubs do proofreading. Especially for short texts, stories, video publications the local clubs can help.
Drakfauxko's user avatar
4 votes

Where can I find free Esperanto audiobooks?

LibriVox currently has 20 free audiobooks you can download.
IBPX's user avatar
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4 votes

Where can I find free Esperanto audiobooks?

The book "Gerda malaperis" can be listened to at You need a account to access the library.
Drakfauxko's user avatar
4 votes

Where can I find free Esperanto audiobooks?

There is a Vikipedio listo with sonlibroj. There aren't a lot of resources, but there is a cute audiobook for kids. As well as this Chinese page with a few things.
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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