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30 votes

What is "OK" in Esperanto?

"OK" is a rather nebulous English word with no one-to-one Esperanto equivalent, so you'll have to translate it on a case-by-case basis. This is not an exhaustive list, but it should work to ...
Clayton Ramsey's user avatar
24 votes

What is "OK" in Esperanto?

As a filler word, when someone (or you) has just finished saying something, you can use this in the sense "I heard correctly": Bone. It is much easier to place than "mi komprenas" and it gives the ...
Vanege's user avatar
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17 votes

What is "OK" in Esperanto?

Also in the sense of "alright": ... is okay = ... estas en ordo Which has parallels in other languages: [bg] ... наред (Всичко е ~) [fr] ... en ordre [nl] ... in orde [pl] ... w porządku
Joop Eggen's user avatar
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17 votes

Kiel traduki "sign language" respekteme?

Saluton! Mi estas usona surda esperantisto! La vorto "usona" estas tre grava kaŭze de la surda historio de la usono. La surduloj ĉi tie ne ŝatas multe la vorton "gesture/gesto". Por jaroj estis ...
Kasenjo's user avatar
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16 votes

What's "feedback" in Esperanto?

Feedback has several meanings in English. In science and engineering, a circuit providing feedback is a retrokuplo, and the result can be pozitiva/negativa retrokuplado or -eco. (Kupli is to couple.) ...
Andrew Woods's user avatar
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14 votes

Is there a word in Esperanto for "lightsaber"?

Lumsabro should work. Esperanto was designed with creating words from basic elements in mind.
Paramedikisto's user avatar
14 votes

Kion mi diru se mi fartas nek bone, nek malbone?

Eblaj respondoj: Mezbone. Sufiĉe bone, mi supozas. Nek bone nek malbone. (Provu: nek nek) Bonete. Mi ankoraŭ vivas. Ne aparte malbone.
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
14 votes

Why does 'feliĉe' mean "unfortunately" whilst 'feliĉa' means "happy"?

That dictionary contains an error. Search the word "malfeliĉe" in that dictionary, it's translated by the same word "unfortunately".
Robin van der Vliet's user avatar
13 votes

How to translate "what if" to Esperanto?

It's as simple as you might think: Kio, se... Kaj kio, se... Kaj kio okazus, se... from Acts 23:9 Ni trovas nenian malbonon en ĉi tiu viro; kaj kio, se parolis al li spirito aŭ anĝelo?
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
13 votes

What would I call a "do not buy from" list?

Mi proponas bojkotlisto. Bojkoto estas bona esperanto vorto kaj internacia komprenebla.
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
13 votes

How do you say "you all" in Esperanto?

The simple plural of vi in Esperanto is vi, as it is in many versions of English (that don't use y'all, youse, yins, etc.). To particularly emphasise all of you (or all of y'all) as opposed to you and ...
Max's user avatar
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13 votes

How to translate “end-to-end encryption”?

Celante esti komprenata, mi ne laŭvortere tradukus la Anglan vorton. Se vi volas esprimi, ke la mesaĝo estas ĉifrita tutvoje de la komenco al la fino de trareta sendado, mi uzus "tutvoja ĉifrado" aŭ "...
Vanege's user avatar
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12 votes

How to translate "day after day"?

Mi skribas tagon post tago. It's not an adverb, it's an accusative of time.
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
12 votes

Kiel "esperantigi" Stack Exchange? / How to "esperantize" Stack Exchange?

Jen mia propono: Stakinterŝanĝo.
Lyubomir Vasilev's user avatar
12 votes

How to refer to a specific decade?

I think people usually say la 90aj jaroj which is pronouced la naŭdekaj jaroj. So your example would be: Estis bona muziko en la 90aj jaroj. Here is an example quote from the blog Egalecen: Mal/...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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12 votes

How do you translate a row of infinitive words in Esperanto?

You would just put many infinitives one after the other, as you suggested at first. This is grammatically correct and perfectly acceptable. Thus La spektanto planas rifuzi atesti. is completely ...
Joffysloffy's user avatar
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12 votes

Is it correct to translate English noun adjuncts into adjectives?

Esperanto is an international language already in use, so the correct way is not to look only at the English form of the term, but to: first check whether a suitable Esperanto term is already in use ...
das-g's user avatar
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11 votes

How to translate "logo" to Esperanto?

I always use emblemo. I've never used ikono or logotipo. I have on occasion used varmarko when talking more about a product.
Evildea's user avatar
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11 votes

Is Ni povas fari ĝin! a good translation of "We can do it"?

As you say, "Ni povas fari ĝin" isn't wrong, but we can probably do better. "Ni sukcesos!" is simple and to the point. "Ni venkos!" adds the aspect of overcoming an enemy without directly referring ...
Tim Morley's user avatar
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11 votes

What is the Esperanto word for "intermediate"?

You can say meznivelulo or progresanto. Progresanto is the common term. The literal meaning is "one who is progressing" - but it's understood to be an intermediate speaker. Meznivela is a pretty ...
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
10 votes

How can I say "I feel ya"?

I would text Kunsente. I tend to use adverbs for single-word sentences. In the list I have included the -at-, -it-, but they feel a bit fussy to me. Other people should have a wider range of ...
Andrew Woods's user avatar
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10 votes

How do you say "play hard to get" in Esperanto?

When I find myself in a situation where I question whether an expression translates literally, there are a few ways I proceed. Check the origin of the expression. Often times the phrase is from an ...
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
10 votes

How can I translate these sentences from Ido?

This is an interesting exercise, but very dated. A lot of it simply focuses on gaps in the word-stock of early Esperanto. (If you find any more of the same kind in Ido books, I am interested in seeing ...
Andrew Woods's user avatar
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10 votes

Ĉu ekzistas esprimo por "head or tail" / "pile ou face" / "Kopf oder Zahl"

Laŭ ReVo: speso ... havis sur la averso la profilon de Zamenhof kaj sur la reverso blazonon; reverso de monero, ŝtofo, paĝo, ktp. Laŭ PIV: fronto ➞ antaŭa parto de objekto: fronto de ...
Vidamuzo's user avatar
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10 votes

How to say "attendance/absence" in Esperanto

For attendance I would say ĉeesto and for absence foresto. Maybe for skipping lectures you can say preterlasi. So a complete translation of your example could be: Se vi daŭre preterlasos viajn ...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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10 votes

How are animal names translated into Esperanto?

More unobtrusive animals and vegetation can be named by their latin nomenclature. This is an established practice in Esperanto. For the pufferfish which comes by many English names (blowfish, ...
Joop Eggen's user avatar
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10 votes

How do you say "continue doing"?

There are different ways to express this concept in Esperanto. In the case of actions, you can use the word plu 'further, more' as a prefix to the verb: Ili pluiris 'They went on' Ili plulaboros '...
Cyril Robert Brosch's user avatar
10 votes

Is this correct? "kia semoj ke vi plantas en via ĝardeno?" - is there anything missing?

Correct is: "Kiajn semojn vi plantas en via ĝardeno?" "kiajn semojn" (= "what kind of seeds") is the object of the verb "plantas" (= "planting"), so it has to have an accusative ending. The word "ke" ...
Robin van der Vliet's user avatar
9 votes

How do I translate "perfectionist"?

perfektemulo is the most natural to me. Someone who likes to be perfect. Moreover the -emulo phraze is really very Esperantesque.
Johannes Mueller's user avatar

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