How do I say "Thank you, Mr. Obvious?" Or is it "Captain Obvious"? Anyway, this is a slang response when someone says something that is known to the other person - and this should be obvious to the other person, too.
1 Answer
There doesn't seem to be any equivalent phrase which would be globally understood. The French equivalent is Merci, M. de la Palice and a few European languages refer to lapalissades. In Spanish and Portuguese, the person is Pedro Grullo, and the word perogrullada. In Chinese it seems to be "And Mum's a girl" (roughly "And the Pope's Catholic"). In Japanese it's just "Oh re-e-eally?"
One possibility is to refer sarcastically to Sherlock Holmes (Dankon, Sherlock), but you might as well translate it directly:
- Dankon, Doktoro Evidento
- Dankon, Profesoro de Evidentaĵoj
- Dankon, Sinjoro Antaŭ-la-Nazo