As in "Every once and a while, I like to listen to Radiohead"
2 Answers
Here are some possible translations (supposing you mean "every once in a while"): de tempo al tempo, fojfoje, iam-tiam.
Examples from Tekstaro:
Fojfoje ŝi kaŭris ĉe la malsupraj librobretoj.
Estis humide kaj malvarme, kaj iam-tiam ekpluvis.
Inter la arboj, de tempo al tempo glitis ombro de ama paro.
Here's how I would translate your sentence:
Every once in a while, I like to listen to Radiohead.
De tempo al tempo mi ŝatas aŭskulti Radiohead.
According to PMEG non-Esperantized names can appear without the O-ending or the N-ending.
Your best choice would be de tempo al tempo - literally, from time to time.
Foje, kelkfoje, and fojfoje are options. The first two mean "at times" and fojfoje means "on rare occasions".
My advice would be to avoid using iam-tiam. It's not a common expression. It doesn't seem to follow logically from the meaning of the words. Finally, although it is found in the Tekstaro, there are only a few authors who use it - and those that do seem to use it a lot. My hunch is that it's a literal translation of a Russian expression