The British surreal sketch comedy TV series Monty Python's Flying Circus features the catchphrase
And now for something completely different: …
spoken by a continuity announcer / news anchorman figure to either introduce the show itself or as a transition between its sketches.
What would be a good translation of this phrase to Esperanto? I'm looking for a translation that is as grammatically and idiomatically correct in Esperanto as possible, while being easily re-recognizable by Esperanto speakers knowing the original English phrase.
I'd like to use this phrase somewhat out of context, namely as a title of a talk comparing Python (the programming language) to Esperanto, thus it's important to me that the original English phrase can be recognized in the translation by those who know it, so they'd get the reference. I assume this won't be too far-fetched as Monty Python references are quite common in the Python developer community.
My considerations so far
"And now" at the beginning of a sentence
The "And now" part is probably straight forward:
Kaj nun …
Though, is it permissible to start a (colloquial / spoken) sentence with "Kaj"? And would this, just like "And …" in English, imply that something else was said or seen before the sentence is being uttered?
The "for" here indicates that we / the show are heading for something (i.e. a new topic or theme), figuratively going somewhere. It could be replaced by "to" in the English phrase without altering the meaning too much. Thus, neither "por" (goal or beneficiary) nor "pro" (reason or motivation) capture the meaning correctly.
So I guess the following options remain:
- drop it (don't represent it by an Esperanto word) and follow with nominative case (which probably indicates an implied "estas" / "estos" or "jen")
- drop it (don't represent it by an Esperanto word) and follow with accusative case (to indicate either direction or direct object of an implied action, either of which could be correct here)
- use "jen" (though I think this kinda conflicts with "Kaj nun", while it also can't completely replace "Kaj nun" without losing the temporal meaning)
- use "al" and follow with nominative case (because "al" already indicates direction and thus isn't followed by accusative case)
I feel kinda uncertain here because the English phrase isn't a "complete" sentence: It's lacking a conjugated verb. Replacing the "for", any of "here is", "comes", "follows" would work.
implied / absent verb
As just mentioned, the English phrase is lacking a conjugated verb. (If fact, it's doesn't contain any verb at all.) I think to preserve the tone of the phrase, this lack of verb should be retained in the Esperanto translation, if possible.
This isn't unheard of in Esperanto at all, e.g. phrases with "Jen …" don't usually contain a conjugated verb.
I'm unsure here whether to use
or rather
or even
here. (Or, depending on the choice made for "for", the respective accusative variant "iun", "ion" or "ian".)
Here, I'm pretty sure that
captures the right meaning.
Here, I'm unsure whether the focus should be that it's not identical
or rather, that it's not similar
or simply that it's just something else than the (implied) previous topic
"something different"
Maybe "something different" could be translated as a single compound word, e.g.
but I think bringing the "completely" aspect into this might be difficult and dropping it would change the meaning too much. Besides, this would force us to decide whether the announced "something" is an actual thing ("-aĵ-") or rather some kind of process or action ("-ad-") or something yet else corresponding to some Esperanto suffix, which seems like an unnecessary limitation. And I don't suppose just "alio" ("ali-" stem from "alia", combined with just the "-o" noun ending1 to make it "something") is a good, idiomatic Esperanto word.
1 N.B., not the "-io" tablvorto ending, which cannot be used with "ali-"
word order
If staring sentences with "Kaj …" is permissible, I think the word order from the English phrase (or the order of the phrase parts discussed in the sections above) can be preserved in the Esperanto translation. I don't see any of the few word order rules Esperanto has interfering, nor do I feel the order would imply any unwanted emphasis. (Again, as a verb is missing, the respective roles of each of the phrase parts in both English and Esperanto are not entirely clear to me, so it's hard to tell whether the order even deviates from any default word order.)
Existing translations?
As Monty Python have been (and still are) widely popular and as they've used this catchphrase not only throughout their "Flying Circus" TV series, but also as the title of a feature film based on the series, it's quite possible that (more or less) official Esperanto translations of the phrase already exist, e.g. in dubs or in subtitles. If you know of any, please let me know.