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4 answers

How to express "to share a hotel room" in Esperanto?

To save money, two or more people might book and use a single two- or multi-bed hotel room together, rather than each a hotel room for themselves, i.e., they share a hotel room. How would this be ...
das-g's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Kio estas la diferenco inter bezoni kaj necesi?

Mi komprenas ke bezoni alvenis de la franca kaj necesi estas latina vorto. Ĉu gravas la diferenco inter la du vortoj?
Karlomanio's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What would be the meaning of "adi"?

PMEG does not provide a theorical meaning for adi. What would be the most probable meaning of adi based on how other affixes are transformed into verbs?
Vanege's user avatar
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6 votes
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Kion signifas "Mi traktas min..."?

Mi legis el la profilo de flua esperantisto: Mi traktas min profesia esperantisto, ĉar... Nu, mi neniam vidis la verbon trakti uzita por min kaj pensis, ĉu gramatike tio estas ĝusta kaj signifas Mi ...
Ivan Garcia's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Does “priskribi” only relate to a written description?

My dictionary gives priskribi as a translation of “describe”. However, looking at the word one would think it means to write about something. Presumably the English word “describe” has a similar ...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

How does one express "to share" in Esperanto? [closed]

There seems to be several words in Esperanto that all correspond to the English verb "to share". Right now I can think of dividi, diskonigi and kunhavi. I'd love to see a collection of them all, and ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar