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2 answers

Sentempaj verboj Esperante

Bonvolu pardoni min, ĉar ĉi tiu demando estas iom pedanta. Mi scivolas kiel priskribi agojn aŭ okazaĵojn, kiuj ne havas definitan aŭ sciitan tempon. Iuj lingvoj havas verban aspekton sen specifa senco ...
Parker Hoyes's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it appropriate to use participles for passive voice in Esperanto?

AS mainly shows the present tense of the action, while ANT and AT show the duration or repetition of the action. IS shows that the action occured before the present, while INT and IT show that the ...
Leonel Hou's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Expressing "<verb>-ingly", where "<verb>" happens to be transitive

Suppose I have this intentionally strange-sounding (and perhaps ungrammatical) sentence. Finante faru ĝin! Maybe even this one. Faru ĝin! Sed finante! That is to say, "Do it, but finishingly ...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Present continuous without a pronoun?

I was looking at a post which said: "organo konsistanta el karnaj fibroj kaj servanta por movi la diversajn partojn de la korpo" I am a bit confused on why konsistanta was used instead of ...
rugxan's user avatar
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2 answers

Infinitive form of compound tenses?

Compound tenses are formed by combining the auxiliary verb "esti" with a participle (e.g. "mi estis leganta" -> "mi legantis"). Is there ever such a thing as an infinitive form of a compound (e.g. "...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Compound Tenses

Researching the in-depth usages of Esperanto verbs, I came across this Wikipedia entry. In short, the entry claims that for compound tenses such as "mi estas kuranta" (present tense progressive, "I ...
Civitano Aliloke's user avatar