Vi konsideras vin feliĉa aŭ Vi konsideras vin feliĉan

I am rather confused what case to use between the nominative and the accusative. In Russian you use the instrumental: ты считаешь себя счастлив-ым/ой. But since there's no instrumental in Esperanto, it's not possible. I'd appreciate it if you can explain me what to use and why.

2 Answers 2


You use the nominative case here: Ĉu vi konsideras vin feliĉa?
Here feliĉa is a predicative, which is always expressed using the nominative case in Esperanto. There are more examples of this in PMEG: Perverba priskribo de la subjekto, Perverba priskribo de la objekto.

On the Esperanto Wikipedia page predikativo is also an example with the word konsideri: “oni ne povas konsideri neekzistantaj tiujn faktojn”.

See also this answer for more examples and clarification.


When adjectives and nouns agree (i.e. when they have the same -j and -n endings) they usually go together. Consider the following examples.

  • Ĉu vi konsideras vin feliĉa - Do you consider yourself happy?
  • Ĉu vi konsideras vin feliĉan - Do you consider a happy you?

In the second example, feliĉan is part of the object.

Another way to look at is is

  • Ĉu vi konsideras vin (esti) feliĉa - Do you consider yourself (to be) happy?

Like other compliments of esti, feliĉa doesn't take an -n.

  • Question: Couldn't both be correct? Feliĉa(n) could describe either the subject or the object, right?
    – Karlomanio
    Commented Aug 9, 2017 at 15:41
  • 2
    No. Mi konsideras la novan ideon stulta -vs- mi konsideras la novan ideon stultan. The second one means you're considering the new stupid idea. Commented Aug 9, 2017 at 16:59
  • Mi konsideras la novan ideon has clearly two separate entities- "Mi" and "ideon" . In the case of "Ĉu vi konsideras vin feliĉan?" the two entities are the same person- vi(n). One is only different from the other grammatically, not in "reality". It seems a bit like arguing that happy is modifying yourself INSTEAD OF you in the English sentence- "Do you consider yourself happy?" I would more tend to think that it is modifying you, but that is just my take on it.
    – Karlomanio
    Commented Aug 10, 2017 at 20:25
  • 1
    @Karlomanio The word ‘consider’ simply doesn't work that way. If you change the object to someone else, then clearly it described the object: “Do you consider him happy?” Here ‘happy’ obviously describes ‘him’ and not ‘you’. So, no, it cannot describe the subject. From the New Oxford dictionary: “regard (someone or something) as having a specified quality”. So the quality (in the example ‘happy’) always relates to the object, not the subject. In Esperanto konsideri works the same way in this context. Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 8:46
  • 1
    @Karlomanio - I meant you should find an example of someone saying this in Esperanto. It should be an example written by someone else (not you or me) in a text which is considered by a large number of Esperanto speakers to be good Esperanto. You won't find it because this is not how Esperanto works. Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 10:27

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