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Ĉu "esti" aŭ "ekzisti"?

Duolingo tradukas l'anglan frazon "There are seven days in one week." al "Estas sep tagoj en unu semajno." Kial Duo ne uzas la verbon "Ekzistas", anstataŭ "Estas&...
Qàtrè's user avatar
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Representing the present perfect continuous

Given that the simple present tense in Esperanto can represent the present perfect progressive, given context (e.g. a simple "faras" in "mi ĝin faras ekde iam antaŭe" can mean "I have been doing it ...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
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How do I know when to use the predicative?

The predicative is a part of a sentence which is neither subject, nor object, nor verb, nor preposition term. Yet it relates to the verb somehow. I am not sure if the predicative is exactly the same ...
svendvn's user avatar
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Kio estas la diferenco inter bezoni kaj necesi?

Mi komprenas ke bezoni alvenis de la franca kaj necesi estas latina vorto. Ĉu gravas la diferenco inter la du vortoj?
Karlomanio's user avatar
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Compound Tenses

Researching the in-depth usages of Esperanto verbs, I came across this Wikipedia entry. In short, the entry claims that for compound tenses such as "mi estas kuranta" (present tense progressive, "I ...
Civitano Aliloke's user avatar
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What is the difference between "veki" and "vekiĝi"?

According to my Esperanto dictionary on my Android phone, both mean wake up. Which verb is transitive, and which one isn't? How do you use each in a sentence? Thanks!
BJ Dela Cruz's user avatar
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Is "mi estas irinta vespermanĝi" correct?

Is "mi estas irinta vespermanĝi" correct, or is there a better way of forming the "vespermanĝi" part?
Keir's user avatar
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