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4 answers

How to express "to share a hotel room" in Esperanto?

To save money, two or more people might book and use a single two- or multi-bed hotel room together, rather than each a hotel room for themselves, i.e., they share a hotel room. How would this be ...
das-g's user avatar
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How to translate "to giggle"?

How to translate "to giggle" (German: "kichern")? Logical would be "rideti", but that's already taken for "to smile" and well-established in that meaning. ...
das-g's user avatar
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How to translate "hibernate"? (in the biological / zoological meaning)

Using the definition from Wikipedia Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in endotherms. Hibernation refers to a season of heterothermy characterized by low body-temperature,...
das-g's user avatar
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Seeking a translation for a specific use of the English word "claim"

tl;dr: Is "pretendi" an appropriate translation of the English "to claim" in the sense of an insurance claim? According to ReVo, "to claim" is simply "pretendi". However, the definitions (there and ...
Shayne Power's user avatar
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What is "phone call" in Esperanto?

I know that "to call someone on the phone" is "telefoni iun/al iu" but there is also the more general "alvoki". I'm having trouble making a noun out of the first verb, and I think I've heard "alvoko". ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
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3 answers

Kio estas la diferenco inter bezoni kaj necesi?

Mi komprenas ke bezoni alvenis de la franca kaj necesi estas latina vorto. Ĉu gravas la diferenco inter la du vortoj?
Karlomanio's user avatar
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The “essence” of -as, -is, -os, -us alone

This is a very primitive question but I don't know where else to look for an answer. I tried ESPDIC and Tekstaro with some queries but without success. I wonder if Esperanto has some neutral verb or ...
La Vo-o's user avatar
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How can I say "to focus"/"to concentrate"?

How can I translate "to focus" (or "to concentrate") in these examples? I can't focus because of the noise. We have to focus on trying to solve this problem right now. She is focusing on her goals. ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How can I say "to turn on/off"?

How can I say "to turn on/off" in these contexts: I have to turn on my computer first. Do you know how to turn off the autocorrect-function? Please turn off your phones before entering!
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
10 votes
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What can I say instead of "zorgi"?

As I understand it, zorgi corresponds to all of these: to care Mi ne zorgas. Ĉu li eĉ zorgas pri ĉi tiaj aferoj? to take care of zorgi pri ĝardeno zorgi pri infano to worry ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to say "I don't feel like it" in Esperanto

I've had trouble finding a phrase in Esperanto that can be used the same as "I don't feel like it." I've considered "emas", but I think that would describe my personality and not a temporary state. I ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar