Warts and all is an idiomatic English expression meaning Including features or qualities that are not appealing or attractive.

Edit Example:

We trust that our partners will go on respecting and loving us, warts and all.

I could translate that by the literal veruko kaj ĉio but I feel like I'm losing an opportunity to use or make an endemic Esperanta expression.

Any suggestions?

  • Ĉu vi havas ekzemplan frazon? Commented Jun 4, 2020 at 14:16
  • Pardonu. "We trust that our partners will go on respecting and loving us, warts and all."
    – Vindarten
    Commented Jun 4, 2020 at 15:13

1 Answer 1


In that English idiom you go explicitely for the "bad things", but you could take a more neutral approach, for example "the way we are" (it hints at good and bad things):

... respektas nin, tiaj kiaj ni estas.

Or, a bit more verbose, "with our good and bad sides":

... respektas nin, kun niaj bonaj kaj malbonaj flankoj (malbonaĵoj, plibonigeblaĵoj, ...)

If you want to keep the "bad things" as they are in the idiom, you could add :

.... respektas nin, eĉ kun niaj malbonaj flankoj.
  • Thank you very much !!
    – Vindarten
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 3:06

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