As with some other words, like pravi, provi, pruvi, the case of verko and vorko makes morphologically apparent a semantic link with a vowel change, as it often occurs in Semitics languages.

So, I would translate verko with work. That's probably the closest single word counterpart, although the semantic fields of each term greatly differ. Now, I recently discovered vorko, that PIV define as Grava konstruaĵo (aŭtovojo, ponto, tunelo ks). Is there a better suited translation than work for vorko, so one might translate a discourse containing both verko and vorko in English?

4 Answers 4


vorko stems from the English work as verko from the German Werk. Both mean something like "master piece" in the original languages. Also both mean labori (Low German/Dutch). The Esperanto definition of verko is quite limited, hence the very rarely used vorko.

Distinguishing the two "works" means looking for synonyms:

vorko = monument
verko = writings, piece
verkaro = oeuvre
  • Vorko is not monument - not according to the definition listed in the OP. Commented Nov 22, 2017 at 16:47
  • @TomasoAlexander true, I thought of monumental work, but that would be ambiguous again. I have sought for a more narrow term.
    – Joop Eggen
    Commented Nov 23, 2017 at 7:45
  • The definition in the OP translates to important building project such as an expressway, bridge, or tunnel. This certainly is not well described by "monument", which is a structure "erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event" - or perhaps a grave stone. Commented Nov 30, 2017 at 21:18

"Public work" (singular of "public works.")

Of course, context is everything.


The word vorko is a neologismo and since we already have two roots, labori and verki, for different kinds of acts of work, there is little excuse to introduce yet another work-related root. As Tomaso Alexander already pointed out vorko is used for "a public work", which denotes something that is constructed. Therefore the bona lingvo expression is konstruaĵo, konstruado or konstruejo depending on the context.


In French: un ouvrage d'art. Ekzemple: La nova fervojo inter Liono kaj Milano necesigos la konstruon de pluraj vorkoj.

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