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Use it when you are searching for a word expressing a specific meaning.

4 votes
4 answers

How do you translate "vorko" in English

As with some other words, like pravi, provi, pruvi, the case of verko and vorko makes morphologically apparent a semantic link with a vowel change, as it often occurs in Semitics languages. So, I woul …
0 votes

Kiel esprimi la ideon de “to pick up [something]”

Eble "preterpreni", laŭ PIV: preni: kapti iun aŭ ion per sia mano aŭ per instrumento, por teni, porti aŭ uzi ĝin preter: montranta objekton aŭ lokon, en kies proksimeco iu aŭ io pasas, irante plue …
psychoslave's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do you translate "Executive Director"?

Here are some possible answer I found (and their sources): administra direktoro (Wimedia Apertium instance, one might also infer administrestro fron this) manaĝerestro (infered from prop …
4 votes

Seeking a translation for a specific use of the English word "claim"

Majstro gives several other possible translation, including aserti, postuli and reklamacii. The later seems a good fit for what your are looking for I think. Please let me know if it does fit or not. …
psychoslave's user avatar
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3 votes

Kiel traduki el la angla "item", kiam oni ne povas uzi la vorton "elemento"?

Laŭ konteskto: aĵo (concrete object) enigo (entry) elemento (primitive object) ero (part of something) kozo (thing, entity) Kie estas la teksto ke vi deziras traduki? Estus multe pli facila doni t …
psychoslave's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the best suggestion for "iteration" in Esperanto?

Tie estas miaj preferataj elektoj por temaj nocioj, laŭ kunteksto: continue (jump to next iteration of current loop): sekvigi/(cikl)sekvitiraci enumerator : enumeraciilo/iteraciilo iterate : tracikl …
psychoslave's user avatar
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0 votes

Native for Esperanto "Reprezenti" verb?

Your might have a look at this glossary project, which is still in a phase of bilingual lexicon, but which do have some entries for representation. Actually if you look up for present in the page, you …
psychoslave's user avatar
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2 votes

How would you say "relevant pictures" in Esperanto?

I think your question lakes context. An other option might be taŭgaj bildoj, but it's difficult to give you a relevant answer without more context.
psychoslave's user avatar
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-3 votes

Is there a general term for marriage which doesn’t exclude gay marriage?

I would say oficiala kunigo is a rather relevant generic expression. For a less abstract and more social connoted expression, you might use asoci/i and build things like amasocii (am/e asoci/i). You …
psychoslave's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Kiel ĉu vi tradukas "tab/tabulation"?

Vikipedio proponas "tabo" sed ne provizas fonton, sed revo konsentas, kvankam PIV ne enhavas ĝin. Oni ankaŭ trovas entabeligo (komputeko) tabelo ( tabopaŝo ( Nu, mi prefer …
4 votes
2 answers

If you translate "individually" with "unuope", how would you translate "collectively" accord...

That is, is there an -op- word which expresses the idea "collectively"? Here are what spontaneously come to my mind (with a link to a page using it [and a quantitive idea of how many page are matchin …
0 votes

Why "nigra truo" is a concept that uses two words instead of one?

The proposition ''gravita singularejo'', like nigra truo is a calque (of gratity singularity). Note that ''singularo'' in esperanto only refer to the grammatical number. To translate "singularity", yo …
psychoslave's user avatar
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4 votes

How to say "I added" (editing a document)

I agree with other answers that aldoni is the appropriate word for this context, as well as in general context when you want to translate add. Regarding edition in general, you can use redakti to tr …
psychoslave's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do you translate "trustee"?

I want to translate "board of trustee". For now I found "estraro de kuratoraro". While "estratro" seems find to me, although "konsilo" or "komitato" might also works as far as I understand the concept …
3 votes
1 answer

How do you translate "media file"

Wikipedia have an article for Plurmedio. But medio stands for environment. You can find aŭdvidaĵaj dosieroj here and there as a translation, but a multimedia file can contain text, 3D assets, and so …

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