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9 votes

Uses of Word Order in Esperanto

As well as being easier for English speakers, the first form is generally considered the “normal” form. However, it’s not uncommon to swap the order around for emphasis. For example, you could imagine ...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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8 votes

Are garden-path sentences possible in Esperanto?

I think this should be possible by leading the reader to incorrectly link a preposition to the wrong part of the phrase. Here is a slightly contrived example: Pro manko de tempo al tempo mi iras al ...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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6 votes

Are garden-path sentences possible in Esperanto?

One way to construct garden-path sentences in Esperanto is by using a word that can either function as a modifier or as a noun phrase, e.g. ambaŭ: Elektante inter ambaŭ infanoj atente rigardis ...
Marcos Cramer's user avatar
5 votes

Ambiguity of "ne ĝeni sin"

Ĝeni means to hinder and Zamenhof used Ne ĝenu vin... to mean "Don't hesitate to..." (literally, "Don't hinder yourself" = "Don't refrain from...") So ĝeni is not an exact synonym of bother, disturb, ...
Andrew Woods's user avatar
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4 votes

What are English/Esperanto counterparts regarding the vocabulary pertaining to discourse segmentation?

clause is propozicio. phrase is vortgrupo, sintagmo or frazeto. The last one is used in PMEG with this meaning, but is hardly used outside PMEG with this meaning, and I consider it problematic, as it ...
Marcos Cramer's user avatar
3 votes

Disambiguating the thing to which "kiu(n)" and "ĝi(n)" refer

Antaŭ ol respondi vian demandon, mi volas rimarkigi al vi, ke via frazo havas du malgrandajn problemojn: La aĵo kunpuŝiĝis kun la alia aĵo, kiu kaŭzas ĝin pensi pri vivo. Vi menciis la anglan ...
Joffysloffy's user avatar
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How to mark accusative for correlatives of quantity? Kiel marki akuzativon ĉe "...iom"-aj tabelvortoj?

I agree with the other answers that the question seems very unnatural in both Esperanto and English and it would probably be better to just rephrase it. However, assuming you do want to use those ...
Neil Roberts's user avatar
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3 votes

Are garden-path sentences possible in Esperanto?

Yes, garden-path sentences are indeed possible in Esperanto! :-) They might be a bit harder to construct than in English, though, as Esperanto has very little ambiguity. (Still, ambiguity does exist; ...
Bjørn's user avatar
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2 votes

What are English/Esperanto counterparts regarding the vocabulary pertaining to discourse segmentation?

All of these questions are things which you could check in a good dictionary, including some of the common on-line dictionaries. A good first choice would be and a decent choice with ...
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
2 votes

How to translate "trade mark" or "brand" (whether registered or not)?

Oni ankaŭ povas uzi la vorton "varmarko" kiel en la frazo: "« Transilien », same kiel « TER » aŭ « TGV », estas varmarko apartenanta al SNCF." (eltirita el la artikolo
Dominik Cornice's user avatar
2 votes

Uses of Word Order in Esperanto

Word order is in fact very important in Esperanto. Many people new to learning the language are surprised to hear this, perhaps due to the way it's presented in some text books and other learning ...
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
2 votes

How to mark accusative for correlatives of quantity? Kiel marki akuzativon ĉe "...iom"-aj tabelvortoj?

Yes, the ambiguity of accusative is there. The ambiguity of the subject and object is not exclusive to kiom/tiom. PMEG writes Sufiĉe ofte la rekta objekto de frazo estas io, kio ne povas havi N-...
svendvn's user avatar
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Under which circumstances is "krom" ambiguous in practice?

Eduardo Trápani already referred to a subchapter Risko de miskompreno in PMEG. That subchapter states that normally there are other words making it clear or the context otherwise makes it clear which ...
Juha Metsäkallas's user avatar
1 vote

Disambiguating the thing to which "kiu(n)" and "ĝi(n)" refer

Se oni konsideras la strukturon de via ekzemplo, kaj vian demandon, la respondo estus: kiu estas rilata kiu (multaj ekzemploj tie) sin en tiu simpla (sub)frazo, rilatas la subjekton de la ago (pli ...
Eduardo Trápani's user avatar
1 vote

How to mark accusative for correlatives of quantity? Kiel marki akuzativon ĉe "...iom"-aj tabelvortoj?

The Conundrum Basically, what you're saying is that these sentences: How many workers need that much work? How many workers does that much work need? both translate to: Kiom da laboristoj bezonas ...
J-L's user avatar
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How to mark accusative for correlatives of quantity? Kiel marki akuzativon ĉe "...iom"-aj tabelvortoj?

La ekzemplo estas iom stranga. Oni ne povas trudi kaj vortojn kaj strukturon al frazo kaj peti klarigon pri la rezulto. Kion vi volas demandi, esperantlingve, mi demandus jene: kiom da laboristoj ...
Eduardo Trápani's user avatar
1 vote

How to mark accusative for correlatives of quantity? Kiel marki akuzativon ĉe "...iom"-aj tabelvortoj?

I'm not sure, whether I understand your sentences correctly. English is known for lack of role marking (which word is subject, object and so on) by other means than word order. It seems to me, that ...
Juha Metsäkallas's user avatar
1 vote

Do you know an eloquent presentation of the differences between the miscellaneous locative prepositions?

This site is pretty good: This chapter talks about prepositions:
Lumo5's user avatar
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Do you know an eloquent presentation of the differences between the miscellaneous locative prepositions?

Bonvolu ekzameni la paĝon ĉe Uzado de mal- estas malofta krom kun antaŭ. antaŭ — post La aktoro staras antaŭ la kurteno kaj parolas al la spektantaro. La aktorino staras post [= malantaŭ] ...
Andrew Woods's user avatar
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1 vote

Are garden-path sentences possible in Esperanto?

The recent question about adjective agreement (Why do adjective share their noun's ending?) prompted a discussion on my Facebook timeline where this very expression (garden path sentence) was ...
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar

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