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Under which circumstances is "krom" ambiguous in practice?

The word "krom" is well-known as being ambiguous. As I understand, there are some clues for differentiating the two: "krom" of addition (in addition to, besides): sentence-...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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3 answers

Disambiguating the thing to which "kiu(n)" and "ĝi(n)" refer

Artifika Ekzemplo La aĵo kunpuŝiĝis kun la alia aĵo, kiu kaŭzas ĝin pensi pri vivo. La Demando Kiel oni distingus... ...kiun aferon rilatas la "ĝin"? ...kiun rilatas la "kiu" (t.e. ĉu estas la ...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
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How to mark accusative for correlatives of quantity? Kiel marki akuzativon ĉe "...iom"-aj tabelvortoj?

If I'm not mistaken, the two distinct English questions (a) How many workers need that much work? and (b) How many workers does that much work need? would in Esperanto both be rendered as Kiom da ...
das-g's user avatar
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How to translate "trade mark" or "brand" (whether registered or not)?

What is the Esperanto word for "trade mark" or "brand"? In ReVo I found "komerca marko" and "fabrikmarko" that don't seem to be further explained there, but might be fitting. Though: Can e.g. "...
das-g's user avatar
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Uses of Word Order in Esperanto

In Esperanto word order doesn't affect the meaning of the sentence. For example, the following 6 sentences mean the same thing (I like you): Mi ŝatas vin Mi vin ŝatas Vin ŝatas mi Vin mi ŝatas Ŝatas ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Do you know an eloquent presentation of the differences between the miscellaneous locative prepositions?

To my mind, some locative prepositions make distinctions that are rather subtle, and I'm not sure I understand them well. So I'm looking for concrete examples where an explanation of the difference in ...
psychoslave's user avatar
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Are garden-path sentences possible in Esperanto?

A garden-path sentence is one that creates confusion by the reader due to syntactic or semantic ambiguity, and often relies on the fact that the same word can have several roles (e.g., function both ...
interDist's user avatar
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4 answers

What are English/Esperanto counterparts regarding the vocabulary pertaining to discourse segmentation?

While in a daily conversation, you might use words like clause, phrase, proposition and statement as synonyms, they all have a slightly more accurate meaning, which is useful when you have to deal ...
psychoslave's user avatar
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Ambiguity of "ne ĝeni sin"

I see ne ĝenu vin fari tion used sometimes to mean don't bother doing that but sometimes don't hold back, feel free to do that which is entirely the opposite sentiment! For example, if someone says ...
jzknuckles's user avatar
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2 answers

"Krom" can mean "except from" or "in addition to". How can one replace "Krom" in order to remove ambiguity?

Sometimes, it is not easy to identify the correct meaning of krom: Krom Petro, la tuta familio vojaĝis. Ĉu Petro vojaĝis? Did Petro travel? So it is better to know some alternatives to krom, one for ...
Vanege's user avatar
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How do I say "to vote for someone"/"voĉdoni por iu" without using the preposition "por", if the vote is not in favour of this person?

The standard way to say "to vote for someone" is "voĉdoni por iu / voĉdoni iun". But if the vote is against that person, for exemple for banning this person from a community, the use of "por" can lead ...
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