What's feedback in Esperanto? I used respondo (for example, biologia respondo for biofeedback), but I think it may not be the best translation.
2 Answers
Feedback has several meanings in English.
In science and engineering, a circuit providing feedback is a retrokuplo, and the result can be pozitiva/negativa retrokuplado or -eco. (Kupli is to couple.) Biological feedback is biologia retroregulig(ad)o, the process by which a system is steadily regulated (reguligata). [The first is in Wells's; both are in PIV.]
Aŭdiĝis terura retrokupla kriĉo. There was heard a terrible screech of feedback.
En la korpo, homeostato estas la celo de retroreguligado per multaj retroagaj reakcioj. In the body, homeostasis is the goal of a feedback process using many compensatory reactions.
More generally, it is re-enmetado or rea enmetado.
- Ĝi estis ree enmetita en la sistemon. It was fed back into the system.
The word is also used to mean "comments and criticism in reaction to a proposal or published work" which could be translated as priaj reagoj or something similar.
Mi ricevis komentojn kaj kritikojn pri la propono. I received comments and criticisms about the proposal.
Ŝi legis la malneton kaj donis reagajn konsilojn. She read the draft and gave some feedback.
Retrokuplo - Funkciado de sistemo kies eligo estas retrokuplita kun la enigo; la signalo tiel transigata: pozitiva, negativa retrokuplo. http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/art/retrokupl.html#retrokupl.0o