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Bioliogiaj ordoj: adjektivoj aŭ nomoj?

Saluton. En la PIV, la biologiaj ordoj finiĝas kun -a (ekz. pleŭronektoformaj, gruformaj, ktp). La sufikso -a estas sufikso por adjektivoj. Sed la donita difino de la PIV similas difinon de nomoj (...
Lepticed's user avatar
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Why do they use 'multe' instead of 'multo'?

I thought 'multe' is an adverb and 'multo' is a corresponding noun. In this sentence, Ili vendas multe da spicoj kaj oleoj it looks quite weird to me why an adverb multe is used instead of a noun '...
user67275's user avatar
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Should proper nouns be transcribed with Esperanto letters or not?

Should proper nouns be transcribed with Esperanto letters or not? For example, for Gia, should I write Ĝia, Ĝiao, Giao or Gia?
Masoud B's user avatar
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Describing a collective noun

In saying something like "The group is big" ("La grupo estas granda"), I'm referring to the noun "group" singularly (i.e. the group itself is big). How would I refer to it collectively as in English, ...
Mona the Monad's user avatar
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What is ”size” in Esperanto?

I can tell the difference betweeen a quantity and the presence of a quality. rapido - speed / rapideco - quickness longo - length / longeco - longness pezo - weight / pezeco - heaviness I thought ...
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
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Why is Esperanto a noun, but other languages are adjectives?

Consider the two sentences: Mi parolas Esperanton. Mi parolas la anglan. How come English is used as an adjective, but Esperanto as a noun? Both are languages, so where does this difference come ...
DK2AX's user avatar
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Are there any true homonyms in Esperanto?

Okay, I’m cheating a bit, since I already know about one true homonym in Esperanto: radio (meaning radio or ray). Do any others exist? I’m looking for single word roots with divergent meanings, so no ...
Bjørn's user avatar
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Kiel oni mallongigas tempajn unuojn?

Kiel oni mallongigas sekundo, minuto, horo, semajno, monato kaj jaro? En la angla estas sec, min, h, w, mo, kaj yr laŭ mi scio. Kio pri en Esperanto?
Antonia Montaro's user avatar
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Why do adjective share their noun's ending?

For example, belan virinon (beautiful woman, in case I'm being unintelligible) or belaj virinoj (beautiful women). Imagine there is more sentence there. Why does the adjective share the ending of the ...
amflare's user avatar
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Converting verbs to nouns

Suppose I have a verb, for example kunfandiĝi (hopefully something like to merge), but I want a noun describing a process of that word (in this case, to merge would in English become merging). Is ...
Nikolaj's user avatar
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Ĉu Esperanto havas substantivojn, kiuj povas nur esti pluralaj?

En la angla, oni havas ekz. scissors (tondilo) aŭ trousers (pantalono), ne ekzistas *scissor aŭ *trouser. Ĉu estas similaj vortoj en Esperanto, krom propraj (geografiaj ktp.) nomoj? Mi unue konsideris ...
La Vo-o's user avatar
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In which context can I use "gea"?

Word-Building with Esperanto Affixes says that gea means male+female, and Wiktionary says it means both sexes, mixed. Can I use it to mean a person having the reproductive organs of both genders, or ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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Using the plural for uncountable nouns

I found a reference to plural of uncountable nouns in Nombro ĉe O-vortoj, which says: Multaj O-vortoj estas nomoj de neindividuecaj aŭ substancecaj aferoj, kiuj ne povas esti nombrataj. Oni ne ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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How do I translate a name?

Suppose I want to translate an Italian name like Guglielmo. Do I first translate it in a language with a pronunciation closer to Esperanto (for example, William in English), or do I adapt it directly ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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Esperantizing one's name - what's the origin of this tradition?

I've been seeing a lot of Esperantized names, where people adjust their names to Esperanto spelling and even change it more to make it "Esperantized". In many ways, this is great, because names can be ...
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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What are examples of Esperanto-given names?

I am looking for Esperanto given names, e.g., used in Esperanto literature or as esperantisations of real names. What are examples besides Ludoviko?
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar